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Healing Properties of Blue Kyanite: A Crystal for Truth & Justice

Healing Properties of Blue KyaniteA Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Blue Kyanite: “I receive and acknowledge all life lessons and messages given to me from my spirit guides.”


UPDATE: This article previously used the term “totem animals” to describe animal archetypes that may hold meaning for someone. Using this term is culturally appropriative (as this is a term rooted in Indigenous spiritual practice) in the context it was previously used, especially shared by the author here (who is white). This article has been updated to reflect this change.


Common Healing Properties of Blue Kyanite:

  • Spiritual guidance
  • To enhance your intuition
  • To promote peace and compassion
  • To stimulate creative energy
  • To aid in communication with your guides, animal archetypes, and angels
  • To enhance your personal exploration of your spiritual nature
Healing Properties of Blue KyaniteColors: Brilliant blue with darker blue streaks

Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius, Pisces, Cancer

Elements: Water, Air

Companion Flowers: Bluebells

Companion Essential Oil: Wild Chamomile

Companion Stone: Angel Aura Quartz

Common Origins: Brazil, India

Notes: Some of the best quality Blue Kyanite has a dark blue line running down the length of the crystal blade; when this line is held over the chakras parallel to the spine it can be used to bring the chakra centers back into balance and alignment. Kyanite also comes in green, orange, and black.

Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!

More Information About Blue Kyanite:

Kyanite has a reputation for purity, and many healers agree that it will not hold negative energy and therefore never needs to be cleansed. Because of this energetic perfection, some believe kyanite to be the material of Archangel Michael’s Sword of Truth. The symbolism behind this idea is that only a material of great purity can cut to the truth of the matter.  Archangel Michael carries a sword that cuts cords and attachments and removes negativity. A flaming sword also has to endure some pretty extreme conditions, and kyanite — the ore for the material used in spark plugs — is able to withstand plenty of heat.

However, while Archangel Michael is usually depicted ready to go into battle with helmet, shield and sword, the real battle he fights is a spiritual one: choosing truth over deception. (Just as well, since kyanite would be awfully brittle in an actual sword fight!) No doubt this is why this extremely pure stone is thought to make the angel’s perfect “weapon.” And as a throat chakra stone, blue kyanite works for anyone who wants to discern and speak the truth.

Care and Safety: Kyanite fractures easily and is water sensitive. It also contains aluminum, so please don’t use it in crystal elixirs.


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What’s Included in the Crystal Lover’s Course Bundle:


  1. Discovering Jaspers Course: Confidently identify the many varieties of Jasper, listen to their stories from all corners of the Earth, and embrace their unique energies to enhance your healing abilities (Value $99


Discovering Jaspers Course 


  1. Amethyst Crystals from Around the World Course: Embark on a journey through twelve different types of Amethyst, dive into their rich history, explore their unique characteristics, and gain insights from my personal collection (Value $49)


Amethyst Crystals from Around the World Course


  1. Understanding Super Seven Course: Unravel the mysteries behind the captivating Super Seven crystals and learn how to harness their profound potential (Value $49)


Understanding Super Seven Course


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Healing Properties of Blue Kyanite: A Crystal for Truth & Justice
Article Name
Healing Properties of Blue Kyanite: A Crystal for Truth & Justice
The healing properties of kyanite will enhance your intuition and connection to your spirit guides through its pure, positive energy.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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2 Responses

  1. Hi! Thanks for a great podcast. I am looking on your website for the blessing bottles that you mentioned but can’t find them, can you direct me to them please.
    With Gratitude,

    1. Thank YOU! 🙂 So glad you enjoyed it! The bottles are not on our site – but if you would like to order one, you can contact the Mimosa staff at and they can send some photos and prices your way! <3 Crystal Blessings

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