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Healing Properties of Blue Celestite: A Crystal for Angelic Guidance

Celestite, also known as Celestine, is an orthorhombic crystal that typically forms pale blue clusters of glassy crystals on a soft matrix. Celestite is an ore of strontium, the element used to produce brilliant red fireworks. But the mineral itself is a beautiful pale blue color, which is where it gets its “heavenly” name. It forms beautiful geodes, and in fact the largest known geode measures 35-feet across. While it’s too fragile to use in jewelry, it’s a wonderful stone to use for prayer and meditation. Ready to harness the power of this mesmerizing crystal in your own spiritual practice? Let’s explore the Healing Properties of Blue Celestite and how to work with this stone for support and guidance!

Healing Properties of Blue Celestite: A Crystal for Angelic Guidance

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Blue Celestite: “By listening to my heart I learn how to ignite my inner spark.”

Healing Properties of Blue Celestite: A Crystal for Angelic Guidance

Common Healing Properties of Blue Celestite:

  • Enhances your intuition
  • Facilitates communication with your guides and enhances feelings of faith
  • Enhances feelings of peace and compassion
  • Instills hope
  • Helps support you as you work to overcome the pain of loss and work through your grief in a healthy way (also promotes sympathy for those who are grieving)
  • Enhances group communication and aids everyone involved in working toward a common goal
  • Supports you as you speak or express your highest truth
  • Encourages feelings of joy, hope, and glee
  • Promotes demonstrations of warmth
  • Instills mercy



Colors: Transparent light blue to gray-blue

Zodiac Signs: Aquarius

Companion Stone: Pink Fluorite

Moon Phases: New, First Quarter, Full

Companion Flowers: Periwinkle

Elements: Air, Water

Companion Essential Oil: Eucalyptus

Common Origins: The most beautiful clusters are from Madagascar, but some collectors also seek out the tabular crystals from Ohio.

Notes: Also known as Celestine. Since it contains strontium, please don’t use it for making crystal elixirs.

Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites!

Healing Properties of Blue Celestite: A Crystal for Angelic Guidance


More About the Healing Properties of Blue Celestite:

Celestite derives its name from the Greek word cœlestis, meaning “celestial” in reference to its sky blue hue [1].  This crystal has no recorded historical or legendary use, but is thought of as a stone of the heavens by modern crystal practitioners.  It connects you with the universe, promoting feelings of oneness and helping you realize that you are a part of something greater than yourself.

Celestite is also a stone for connecting with your guides or angels, It helps to restore your faith after challenging times and encourages you to feel mercy and compassion.  It is also useful for instilling feelings of hope when situations seem darkest. This stone acts like a gateway to the spirit world. It invites and welcomes your guides into your space. Work with this crystal if you’d like to call upon your ancestors or spirit guides for guidance and support. Celestite helps you honor these beings by creating sacred space in which to connect with them. Working with this stone for dream healing can help you in receiving insights and guidance from those in the astral plane.

Healing Properties of Blue Celestite: A Crystal for Angelic Guidance

Celestite helps you to see and appreciate all that you have to feel hopeful about.  Celestite promotes feelings of elation rooted in spiritual bliss. This is a crystal of warmth and friendship.  Use it to help you develop deeper, more meaningful friendships with those who are most important to you, or to help you end friendships that are one-sided or unsupportive.

Celestite is a brittle mineral and pieces of celestite geodes break off easily, so handle it carefully. It’s also best to keep it away from water and direct sunlight.

Healing Properties of Blue Celestite: A Crystal for Angelic Guidance


How to Harness the Healing Properties of Blue Celestite in your Crystal Practice:

1. Celestite is best used in meditation, but it will also work well just by being placed in your sacred space or on your altar.  If you feel a deep need for some Universal wisdom and guidance, work with the energy of Celestite during your meditations. You may feel the gentle, protective energy of your guides as well as receive important messages about your soul path and other important spiritual matters. Celestite is also very soothing, so if you’ve been pressuring yourself to have certain types of experiences during meditation, it’s here to remind you to let go of judgement and expectation and just enjoy the experience. Celestite reminds you to connect with the energy of the guides regularly and enjoy the spiritual energy they’re sharing with you. By holding space for quiet, tranquil moments, you allow the messages from your guides to come through loud and clear in the stillness. Listen to what they’re telling you.

Healing Properties of Blue Celestite: A Crystal for Angelic Guidance

2. Alternatively, you may take your Celestite outside at night (in a safe place), on the evening of a full or new moon.  Hold your Celestite crystal up to the moon to charge it with energy.  Full moonlight aids manifesting and promotes abundance while new moonlight may help you to break bad habits or start new projects. Take this lunar practice even further with my Guided Full Moon Meditation! Celestite, with its connection to the cosmos and deep reflection, is the perfect crystal to call upon for this immersive journey:


Full moon meditation


Getting tuned into the power of the Moon, with her historical connection to guidance and illumination, can have a profound effect on enhancing your intuition. Meditating at the time of the Full Moon is the perfect way to tap into these powerful lunar energies, which is why I’ve created this Full Moon Guided Meditation for Intuition.


Full Moon Guided Meditation for Intuition


The moon, being our nearest celestial body, has such a deep impact on us. So as crystal healers, it’s important for us to be in flow with the natural rhythms of the universe. You’ll learn more all about this with my Full Moon Guided Meditation for Intuition!

Buy Now


3. And finally, one last way to use Celestite in your spiritual practice is for sending messages to the universe. Make yourself comfortable in your sacred space and light a stick of your favorite incense. The smoke represents the air element and it carries your thoughts and words into the universe. Hold a piece of Celestite over your heart. Think about something you’d like to communicate to your guides; this may be a statement you’d like to share or a question you’d like to ask. Speak this aloud or think it quietly to yourself and visualize the incense smoke carrying the energy of your words or thoughts to your guides. See the energy moving outward into your space, leaving through the ceiling, and traveling up into the sky. Visualize it continuing to travel out into the universe, through the cosmos, until it reaches your guides. Take some deep breaths in and out. Quiet your mind, and listen for a reply.

Blue Celestite Sources & Further Reading:

[1] Peschek-Bohmer, Flora & Gisela Schreiber. Healing Crystals and Gemstones: From Amethyst to Zircon – A Comprehensive Listing of the Therapeutic Uses and Healing Effects of the Most Important Crystals and Gemstones. (Old Saybrook, CT: Konecky & Konecky, 2002). Page 110.


Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!


Healing Properties of Blue Celestite: A Crystal for Angelic Guidance
Article Name
Healing Properties of Blue Celestite: A Crystal for Angelic Guidance
Discover the Healing Properties of Blue Celestite and how to work with this crystal for angelic guidance, deep meditation & compassion.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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