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Flower Moon Ritual | Unlock Full Flower Moon Magic with Crystals

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I love to celebrate all the ebbs and flows of the lunar phases and cycles, but the full moon is an especially potent and powerful time because it connects us with our intuition and with our sense of self. One of my favorite things to do around the time of the full moon is to incorporate a special lunar ritual into my healing practice. This month, I’ve got a beautiful Flower Moon Ritual that I am so excited to share…

Flower Moon Ritual

Each month the full moon has a different name and this month is called the Flower Moon because the flowers are in abundance right now…they’re blooming, growing, and everything has emerged and reawakened. It’s a time of joyous celebration as the cold and darkness of winter have officially come to an end and we’re better able to open up to this new time of self-expression, expansion, and joy.


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Flower Moon Lore:

An old legend say that at the time of the Flower Moon (the full moon in May), the flowers would come alive and dance in the moonlight! This is such a beautiful story and metaphor for the joy that we can discover in our own hearts during this time. The Flower Moon is all about finding your inner bliss, experiencing and presencing your own joy, and finding happiness in your life (even when it feels challenging).


Flower Moon Ritual

Flower Moon Ritual Supplies:

  • a tumbled stone of your choice (make sure that it’s non-toxic and smooth to the touch – rose quartz, amethyst, and clear quartz are great choices). A crystal face roller or gua sha tool can be used in place of the tumbled stone if you happen to have one.
  • a fresh or dried flower (or a picture of a flower if you don’t have one)
  • Just one of the following: a little pouch, small bottle or jar, or a tiny box
  • a little piece of paper and a pen
  • your favorite face oil or face mist (optional)
  • A small container of cold water


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Light a Candle to Hold Space:

Begin your flower moon ritual by lighting a candle with the intention to discover and tap into your inner joy, your inner bliss, your feelings of acceptance, excitement, renewal, and rebirth as you embody the energies of the Flower Moon. Take a deep breath in, and exhale and then allow yourself to get into your center. Make yourself comfortable and allow yourself to welcome in the energies of the Flower Moon. Set your candle to the side in a safe spot and let its flame hold space for you as you continue on with the ritual.


Flower Moon Ritual

Connect with Flower Energy:

Place your fresh flower a dried flower (or picture of a flower) in front of you. Focus your gaze and attention on the beautiful flower and think about what this flower represents at this time of the Flower Moon…think about how the blossoms are emerging, unfolding, and expressing their joy and their connection to the universe and how they’re finding their place in universal flow.  Gaze at the flower and take a moment to reflect on its symbolism, beauty, expression of joy and hold space for this energy in your body (especially in your heart space). Take a few deep breaths in and out and gently tap your heart space to get yourself centered and let yourself just appreciate the simple beauty of this sacred blossom at this time of the Flower Moon.


Flower Moon Ritual

Full & New Moons are particularly potent times
for deep spiritual work…


Tuning into the unique energies of the different moons can be transformative for grounding yourself, strengthening your intuition, and so much more. That’s why I’ve created this FREE, printable Full & New Moon Lunar Calendar that shares all of the Full & New Moon dates for this year, along with information about which Zodiac sign the moon is in.


Full & New Moon Lunar Calendar 2024


You can begin tracking the moon phases and use your stones to tune into the energy of each phase by finding the natural rhythms of ebb and flow throughout the lunar month. You will also learn the special names for each monthly Full Moon, plus a bit about how you can work with these powerful lunar rhythms to enhance your spiritual practice!

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Flower Moon Ritual

Flower Moon Gratitude Practice:

Think about all of the things that you’re grateful for in your life…all the things that bring you feelings of peace, bliss, and inner joy. These may be things that you’re grateful for about yourself (like your gifts, talents, and things that you share with the world), or they may be things that you’re grateful for in your relationships and connections with others. These may also be experiences and gifts that have been shared with you. Think of all that you have to be grateful for in your life and as you gaze at these flowers I want you to feel their joyous energy and their warmth filling your heart with each breath you take. Feel your heart space expand as you move into a place of gratitude and allow your heart to be filled with all these things that you are grateful for.

Take a deep breath in and close your eyes. Then visualize one special flower blossom in your mind’s eye. Once you can see it clearly, visualize this flower blossom moving to your heart space, and as you think of each of the things that you feel gratitude for at this moment, see this blossom begin to expand and open so that it can be completely receptive to calling in these energies during this time of the Flower Moon. Take another deep breath in and exhale. Pause for a moment of gratitude for the lessons that your flower has shared with you. Set your flower aside.


Flower Moon Ritual

A Crystal Practice for Self-Love
During the Flower Moon:

Next you’ll shift your focus to self-love. For this part of the flower moon ritual you’ll need a container with some cold water and your smooth stone (this can be a tumbled stone, flat palm stone, gua sha tool, or stone facial roller). Make sure this is non-toxic…something like rose quartz, amethyst, clear quartz, smoky quartz, green aventurine, or jade are great crystals for this. Place your stone in the dish of cold water until it’s cold to the touch.


Essential Oils for a Flower Moon Ritual


Apply your favorite facial oil or face mist (if you have it) according to the instructions on the label while holding the intention to nourish yourself in body, mind, and spirit. Welcome in the fragrance of this oil and let it surround you energetically. Next, take your stone or crystal tool, and starting at the top of your face, really gently massage your face with this beautiful cool crystal, working down and out to the sides of your face. 

Allow yourself to feel into this feeling of nourishment and self-love that you’re creating by taking a moment for some self-care, beauty, joy, and bliss into your life. Allow yourself to enjoy the touch of this crystal on your face and allow your intuition to guide this process. Remember that the full moon is the time when your intuition is heightened so listen to your intuition and to your body for what feels good. Remember to be very gentle and use a light touch, there’s no need to use much pressure. As you work, hold the intention to embody self-love and to feel nourishment and care for your physical being and for your energy body as well. Allow yourself to feel a sense of rejuvenation, opening, and awakening from the energy of the Flower Moon. Then gently pat your skin dry. 


Flower Moon Crystal Energy

Manifesting Spell for the Flower Moon:

This practice helps you hold space for your intentions and draw upon the manifesting energy of the full moon. For this activity, you’ll need one of the following: a little pouch or bag, a jar or bottle, or a small box. Whichever item you choose will become a vessel of energy…a sacred container to hold your intentions for what you want to manifest related to the energy of bliss, joy, self-love…all the energies that are related to the Flower Moon.

Step 1:

Begin by gathering some of your favorite crystals that you feel embody these energies (stones like rose quartz, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, pink opal, cobaltoan calcite, citrine, and pyrite all work well for this, but any crystals that spark bliss and joy within you and that fill your heart with feelings of inner joy and self-love are perfect for this). Take your crystals and hold them in your hands and feel into their energy.


A Manifesting Spell for the Flower Moon

Step 2:

Then set them down and take a small piece of paper and a pen and write out an intention for yourself about your own inner joy. This can be anything you want. For example, your affirmation could be, “I find bliss and happiness in my life whenever I choose. I consciously create moments of stillness to honor my inner joy.” After you’ve written your affirmation on the paper, set it aside.


Flower Moon Ritual

Step 3:

Then, pick up your container (whether it’s a pouch or bottle or box) and take a moment to focus on it as a sacred vessel for holding your intention and calling in the energy that you want to create in your life. Place each crystal, one at a time, into the vessel while speaking your affirmation either aloud or to silently to yourself. Optionally, you can even anoint each crystal with just a tiny bit of the oil that you used in the previous practice by rubbing the oil onto the surface of the crystal.


Flower Moon Ritual

Step 4:

Next, take the flower you set aside previously and add it to your sacred container for calling in the energy of inner bliss, joy, happiness, and love that the full Flower Moon represents. If you have anything else that is sacred to you (like a piece of jewelry, a small photo, a feather, a seashell, or something that really connects you with feelings of joy), then I invite you to add that to your sacred container as well.


Flower Moon Ritual Supplies

Step 5:

Finally, hold your paper with the written affirmation over your heart and say it one more time, either aloud or silently to yourself, fold it up, and gently place it into your container along with your crystals. As you seal up that container, take just a moment to hold it over your heart space and feel into all that positivity that you’ve just created and put into this vessel…this magical creation…this container of energy on this very powerful evening of the full Flower Moon!

Each night for the next three nights, place this container near some flowers on your altar or in your sacred space under the light of the moon. Take a few minutes to sit in meditation, holding the container over your heart (or just have it in front of you) while focusing on your flowers and holding gratitude for all these things that you’re calling into your life. Intentionally make space for bountiful self-love, pleasure, joy, and sensuality to enter your life.

Crystal Ritual for the flower moon Part 1

Crystal Ritual for the flower moon Part 2 - Supplies

Crystal Ritual for the flower moon Part 3 - Light a Candle to Hold Space

Crystal Ritual for the flower moon Part 4 - Gaze at Flowers

Crystal Ritual for the flower moon Part 5 - Crystal Self-Care

Crystal Ritual for the flower moon Part 6 - Affirmations for Manifesting

Crystal Ritual for the flower moon Part 7 - Manifesting Spell

Crystal Ritual for the flower moon Part 8 - Sending Thanks

Explore the Enchanting Power of Lunar Energy:


Aligning yourself with the lunar cycles can be a powerful way to deepen your intuition and access profound inner guidance. Learn more about tuning into celestial rhythms with crystal energy in my Moon Magic Course Bundle


Moon Magic Course Bundle


Courses included in the bundle are:

1. Celestial Crystals Course (value $199):

Discover how to use crystals to connect with the phases of the moon and find your flow in alignment with the natural rhythms of the universe. 


Celestial Crystals Course recources

Crystals for the Fairy Moon Course ($49):

Uncover the legends and lore surrounding the mystical fairy moon and learn how crystals can deepen your healing work during this magical time of amplified lunar energy. 

Crystals for the Fairy Moon Course resources

Full Moon Meditation for Intuition ($5.55):

Tap into the profound energy of the full moon and deepen your connection with your intuition by aligning yourself with the full moon’s energy in this guided meditation. 


Full Moon Mediation for Intuition Course resources


Total Value: $253.55

Your price: $215.51 (save 15%!)


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