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Discover Your Soul Purpose



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Crystals To Discover Your Soul Purpose

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If you’re a spiritual seeker or a mystical soul, chances are you look for signs from the universe, listen to the whispers of your heart, and pay attention to the messages from your intuition.

Shadow in the shape of a woman standing in front of a bright light.Crystals to Discover Your Soul Purpose

I know, because I’m a seeker too, and I love to work with my crystals to discover more about myself and my soul path.

Take a moment to pause and ask yourself:

  • What are you feeling most called to in your life right now?
  • Is there something you feel like you MUST do, try out, or experience?
  • What do you have a deep longing for that would feel supportive, nurturing, and authentic to you?
  • If you could take any next step on your path toward happiness and personal fulfillment, what would it be?

Crystals To Discover Your Soul Purpose

When we pause and listen to our inner guidance, we can discover our soul calling and identify where we’re being guided. Living in alignment with your soul purpose is about connecting to yourself as authentically as you can and showing up as your whole self in your day-to-day life. It’s about consistently staying in flow by tuning into the messages from your intuition and the way it whispers to you to nudge you in the right direction. It’s about embodying your calling in each step of your journey.

I feel so grateful to have discovered my soul calling, and I want you to feel as in sync with the universe as I do. I want you to experience the same joy and sense of fulfillment that comes from knowing that you’re living in alignment with your soul purpose.

Crystals To Discover Your Soul Purpose


Are Crystals Part of  Your Soul Calling?

Before we go any further, I want to clarify something important…

Soul purpose may mean something different to each of us. There are no right or wrong answers about what soul purpose means to you, as long as it’s authentic…as long as it feels healing and invites you to drop into your heart space…and as long as it feels in alignment with how you want your life to feel.

Crystals To Discover Your Soul Purpose

But sometimes soul purpose gets framed as your career or what you do for work – and although you can sometimes incorporate what you’re called to do on a soul level into your career or work, this isn’t the case for many folks. There is often societal judgment, due to capitalism, that tells us that our passions are not worthwhile or valuable if they’re not making us money. So we often get fooled into thinking that our soul path has to involve our career, but this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Though some may choose to incorporate their passions into their careers, others may choose to keep these two facets of their life separate. Both ways of walking the path are valid – and both ways are meaningful.

Crystals To Discover Your Soul Purpose


Following your soul path is about doing the things that you feel wildly passionate about…the things that spirit calls you to do…the things that make you light up.

Graphic with "How to run a Crystal healing session"


We can have many important paths that each lead to us feeling fulfilled in different ways. In other words…

Your SOUL purpose isn’t your SOLE purpose.

Sometimes we get confused or fooled into thinking that our soul purpose is ONE THING that we’re here on this earth to do. I know how easy it is to get caught up in the idea that your soul purpose is just ONE BIG thing, especially when it fills up a big part of your life. Maybe you feel like your soul purpose is being a mother, or a caregiver, or a teacher. For me, my ONE BIG thing is teaching others about crystals. I love it – it fills me up, it brings me joy – and it’s my SOUL purpose…

But…it isn’t my SOLE purpose. I’m also a wife, a gardener, an aspiring artist, and a lover of books, and herbs, and good food! The list goes on and on.

Crystals To Discover Your Soul Purpose


Living in alignment with my soul purpose means honoring all of these passions and parts of myself.

It means connecting with the things that bring me joy and stepping into each new adventure with excitement. It means understanding that I have a story that’s more complex than just one thing…and so do you.

Part of what makes discovering your soul purpose so important is that it’s this active exploration of life itself that can help you uncover new things about yourself, the world you live in, and your connection to it. It’s through your lived experience that you shape who you are and how you show up in the world.

  • Your soul purpose may shift and change over time.
  • Your soul purpose may be multi-faceted.
  • And discovering your soul purpose, again and again, is a messy, imperfect, and beautiful adventure of self, community, and of your connection to the greater whole.

The clarity and connection you feel with your soul purpose may also ebb and flow with each new phase of your life. If you’re feeling uncertain or unclear about your next steps forward, you may try reaching for your crystals as a source of support to help you find your footing and rekindle your passion.

Crystals To Discover Your Soul Purpose


As healers, it’s essential to align with our true calling—not just for our personal growth, but to create a life filled with meaning and purpose. Understanding your Soul Purpose is the key to living authentically and radiating your light into the world.

That’s why I’ve created my FREE Discover Your Soul Purpose Course, designed to help you connect deeply with your unique path:



In this 30-minute class, you’ll learn my simple, 5-step framework for uncovering your soul purpose using the transformative energy of crystals. This course will guide you on an inward journey to reconnect with your intuition, find clarity, and release the doubts holding you back.

Your Free Class Includes:

30-minute video course
Bonus Soul Purpose Workbook with guided prompts and exercises
Tools to uncover and map out your purpose


Are you ready to discover the deeper calling that aligns with your passion, values, and gifts? Join me now and step into a life that feels aligned, meaningful, and truly YOU.



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Crystals To Discover Your Soul Purpose
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Crystals To Discover Your Soul Purpose
If you're feeling a little bit lost, I recommend using crystals to discover your soul purpose.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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13 Responses

    1. Thank you Ashley
      The information you have sent me is very useful and I will purchase the crystals you have mentioned above. I have sent you an email about my current situation and I look forward to hearing from you. You certainly have give me some direction and I thank you for that. Kindest regards Therese Janissen

      1. I’m happy you found the information useful Therese! <3 That makes me so happy to hear. I appreciate your kind words and energy! Crystal Blessings 🙂

  1. Even as a CCH Alum and ACP student, this reminder was SO NEEDED right now!! <3 Perfect timing for important information. Also, time to review and rededicate part of my day to self-healing!! Thank you, Ashley and L&L!!

  2. Thank-you so much, I will use some of the tips you have mentioned. I have been working with crystals for a couple of years now and am passionate about them.

  3. Thank you so much!! I almost enjoy crystals as much as you do!! ? I can’t wait to start the crystal course!! So excited! I love learning more about the beautiful gems. But, sending love and good vibrations from New York!!

  4. Thank you Ashley to this first step info to have a clear goal and create a path that I have to fully embrace. I learned that clearing the mind is so important and allows me to have a positive flow of energy to come thru. I have been applying the tips and information that you have Been sharing and I am so happy to see very positive outcomes. It surely build up my confidence and share the gift with joy to others. I can’t wait to be in your certification class. All the best with love and blessings from Long Island, NY??

  5. Thank you for this insightful information. I have been carrying my Labradorite everyday and my mind is more clear and increasing my awareness what I want to do next in me life. Using the crystals as you have recommended, it surely helps me to clear my mind and I am able to connect with crystal/s.

    1. Of course. 🙂 I’m so happy you enjoyed it! That is also so wonderful to hear. <3 Thank you for being here! Crystal Blessings

  6. Thank you for this as it was perfect timing. Have been saying a lot lately that I don’t have a purpose. I will definitely turn to my crystals to help me find my soul purpose. Thank you!

    1. Hi Lisa, using crystals can certainly help point you in a direction to look into further. Also go in and look to see what amplifies your spirit and brings you joy. I feel we have many purposes, and from my experience it usually goes along with finding that what your inner compass of passion and joy leads you to! <3 Hope that helps!

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  • Reconnect with your passion and purpose!
  • Take the first step toward a more aligned and meaningful life.
  • Learn how crystals can guide and support you on your unique journey.
  • Reconnect with your passion and purpose!

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