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Crystals for the Virgo New Moon

Crystals for the Virgo New MoonBefore we get into my 3 favorite crystals for the Virgo New Moon, I want to share a personal story with you about how I got started working with lunar energy and why it’s so important to me.





I know how important this work is based on my own experience. I want to share it with you so that you may find healing and comfort through working with the moon just as I have.



About four years ago, my life was interrupted dramatically when I needed to have a hysterectomy.

It was only two weeks before my 29th birthday, and it wasn’t entirely devastating for me because I had long before decided not to have children. Despite this, it hit me in quite an unexpected way.

My personal choice not to bear children felt positive and somewhat empowering, but when that choice was completely taken away, part of me grieved for what I may have lost. Over the next few years, I struggled silently with grieving a part of myself that I hadn’t realized was so important to me.

Part of me felt incomplete. I felt a longing for a reconnection with the part of myself that had been lost. These feelings completely took me by surprise, but I knew I needed to do something to feel empowered again.

So my journey into connecting to the DIVINE feminine began.

This journey wasn’t about gender, it was about energy – the energy of the sacred feminine. I spent my days meditating, connecting with goddesses, and creating rituals for myself. Naturally, my love of crystals ensured they were a regular part of just about everything I was doing, but I started to develop a new passion: I became enamored with the moon. I fell in love with learning all I could about staying in rhythm with her natural cycles and flows. Perhaps the need for that connection arose from the absence of my own feminine cycle, or perhaps I was simply awakening to something larger taking place in our world. Whatever the reason, living in alignment with lunar energy became part of who I am.

Tuning into the rhythm of the moon helped me heal.

Crystals for the Virgo New MoonPerhaps the need for that connection arose from the absence of my own feminine cycle. Or perhaps I was simply awakening to something larger taking place in our world. Whatever the reason, living in alignment with lunar energy became part of who I am.

I fell in love with learning all I could about staying in rhythm with her natural cycles and flows.

I spent many, many hours journaling and sketching and doodling about the spiritual moon work I was doing. One evening while connecting with some amazing women in an online Goddess Circle, I shared a few of the ways I had been working with the moon in my own spiritual practice. It was then that I realized just how powerful this work was—and just how much I needed to share it with others as part of my own journey toward wholeness and completion.

I realized in that moment of sharing that it was not just me who was feeling disconnected from the natural world, from the seasonal cycles, and from my own power and energy. Many others I spoke with were feeling the same way. We have become so far removed from nature that we have forgotten how to live in harmony with the world around us. One of the easiest ways to repair this connection is to live in alignment with the energy of the moon—to let her guide our actions so that we may become aware of our place in this universe again.

As part of my work with lunar energy, I began learning about the distinct energies of each monthly full moon, the lunar phases, and how the moon’s influence changes as it moves through different constellations in the Zodiac.

The night sky can be more or less divided into twelve sections, one relating to each constellation of the Zodiac. As the moon travels around the earth, it passes through the sections of the different Zodiac constellations. This is referred to as “entering”, or being “in”, a particular Zodiac sign. Since the moon makes its rotation around the earth pretty quickly, in just about 29 days, it moves into a new sign every 2-3 days. Think of the 29-day lunar cycle divided by the 12 Zodiac sections; that’s about 2.5 days in each sign.

When the moon enters a specific sign, it takes on the energetic qualities of that sign. That’s how astrologers create lunar forecasts describing what to expect as the moon enters each sign. Since the moon has such a strong influence over us here on earth, given that it’s our nearest celestial neighbor, the Lunar Zodiac becomes quite important in explaining the cosmic energies that shape our experiences.


Full New Moon Lunar Calendar


Full & New Moons are particularly potent times for deep spiritual work. Tuning into their unique energies can be transformative for grounding yourself, strengthening your intuition, and so much more. That’s why I’ve created this FREE, printable Full & New Moon Lunar Calendar that shares all of the Full & New Moon dates for 2024, along with information about which Zodiac sign the moon is in.


Full & New Moon Lunar Calendar


You will also learn the special names for each monthly Full Moon, plus a bit about how you can work with these powerful lunar rhythms to enhance your spiritual practice!


Get Your Free Calendar Here Button

Crystals for the Virgo New Moon.

When the moon is in Virgo, you’ll feel at ease by keeping things orderly and organized.

Working with Emerald:

It’s all too easy to get swept up in your own thoughts during this time. Emerald gently reminds you to get out of your head and into your heart every once in a while. Work with emerald if you feel your mind buzzing with activity and need a moment of stillness. This crystal also reminds you to check in with your feelings before acting or making big decisions.

Working with Green Aventurine:

This stone encourages practicality, something that Virgo’s ruling planet, Mercury, demands during this time. Organization, schedules, and routines are important during the Virgo Moon, but not if they overcomplicate things. Green aventurine helps you be mindful about what’s helping you be more successful and what’s just getting in the way.

Working with Moss Agate:

This earthy stone is a favorite for physical healing. Work with moss agate to put the Virgo Moon energy to good use by creating a new workout routine, meditation practice, or weekly meal plan. If you feel like you don’t have time or energy to care for your physical body, moss agate helps you make it a priority. With the energy of the Virgo Moon supporting you, it feels easy to start new, healthy habits.

A Crystal Ritual for the Virgo Moon:

VirgoDuring the time of the Virgo Moon, light a green candle, pick up a moss agate stone, watch the candle flame, and start to think about your physical body. What can you do to improve your health? Do you need to eat better? Exercise more? Have more quiet time? Add energy healing or massage to your routine?

When you’re ready, write down a list of things you’d like to do to nourish your body. Then, hold an emerald crystal while you transfer your list into your calendar; schedule these activities—big and small—now so that you hold space for them in your routine.



Based on an excerpt from Cosmic Crystals: Rituals and Meditations for Connecting With Lunar Energy (2019) by Ashley Leavy.

Learn More About Crystals for Lunar Energy:

Aligning yourself with the lunar cycles can be a powerful way to deepen your intuition and access profound inner guidance. Learn more about tuning into celestial rhythms with crystal energy in my Moon Magic Course Bundle:


Moon Magic Course Bundle: Best Crystals for Making Magic with the Moon


You’ll learn practical ways to leverage lunar energies through crystals with 3 of my best-selling, magical moon offerings, all bundled into one at a discounted price:

  1. Celestial Crystals Course – Tap into the Power of Crystals and Lunar Cycles (value $199): Discover how to use crystals to connect with the phases of the moon and find your flow in alignment with the natural rhythms of the universe. 


Graphic showing the Celestial Crystals Course includes 99 minutes of video lessons, printable cards, papercrafts tools and handouts.


2. Crystals for the Fairy Moon Course – Embrace the Magic of the Fairy Moon (value $49): Uncover the legends and lore surrounding the mystical fairy moon and learn how crystals can deepen your healing work during this magical time of amplified lunar energy.


Crystals for the Fairy Moon Course: Best Crystals for Making Magic with the Moon


3. Full Moon Meditation for Intuition – Harness the Power of the Full Moon ($5.55): Tap into the profound energy of the full moon and deepen your connection with your intuition by aligning yourself with the full moon’s energy in this guided meditation.


Full Moon Meditation: Best Crystals for Making Magic with the Moon

Total Value: $253.55

Your price: $202.84 (save 20%!)

Learn more button

Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!

Crystals for the Virgo New Moon
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Crystals for the Virgo New Moon
These are my favorite crystals for the Virgo New Moon. They will aid you in checking in with yourself and embracing the moon's radiant energy.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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17 Responses

  1. Thank you for sharing your beautiful journey and for the ritual for Virgo Moon! I feel empowered to try this ritual and am looking forward to it! Thank you for all you do.
    Love and Light,

  2. Hi Ashley,
    Thank you for sharing your story and the info for the new moon ritual. I hope this opens up a new beginning for me. More crystal blessings to you!??

    1. Hi Ashley, thank you for sharing your personal story. It’s wonderful that you found comfort and healing with the moon and crystals. When one door closed, another one opened! Thank you for your messages and tips for working with these wonderful, natural tools. Xo

  3. Hi Ashley
    I was so excited to hear your pod cast. Thank you for sharing your
    Difficult time in your life ,look where it brought you!
    I am new to crystal healing and all that goes with it. I’ve been infatuated
    With crystals and shining objects including the moon and stars. I especially
    Loved the desert full moons so big and bright. Moon baths were my personal practice. Looking forward learning seeing and feeling crystals in a new light. With an open heart Kallie.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. <3 That sounds wonderful! Truly happy to hear that you enjoyed this podcast and post so much. 🙂 <3 Crystal Blessings!

  4. Thank you
    This came at a perfect time in my life.
    I am starting new practices and rituals for myself. And I appreciate you sharing yours to help others.
    Again Thank You

  5. Dear Ashley, thank you so much for sharing your experience and how you healed through the moon rituals. I had a very similar experience, a sudden surgery and hysterectomy I didn’t know would happen until after I woke up in recovery. I was grieving as well, and it’s been years since that time. I thought I had worked through it, but I feel that sorrow and grief quite keenly even now. I don’t think I realized that I am still working through this until I watched your video today. It’s not easy to open up and be vulnerable, but I am so thankful you did! Your experience will help many of us who have shared this type of grief. Thank you, and so much love to you!

    1. Thank you for saying that. <3 And for sharing a bit about your experience as well. Happy to have you here with us! <3 Much love and crystal blessings!

  6. Thank you so much for sharing. I’ve been noticing as I get more in time with myself and do work with the moon cycles my feminine cycle has started to align to the cosmic cycle. It’s pretty amazing! I love this: and I’m happy you found this along your journey.

  7. Thank you Ashley for this insightful article on the Virgo New moon. I have been feeling the “tug” to learn about and incorporate the lunar cycle into my daily life for a while now. I’ve always loved seeing the moon in its different phases – it must be time to do something about that “tug”!

  8. Thank You for sharing. You have urged me to take a closer, deeper look into lunar energy. I can’t wait to learn more.

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