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Crystal Feng Shui for Your Office or Healing Arts Room

Crystal Feng Shui “Feng shui literally translated is ‘wind and water,’ the two most prevalent elements that shape our world. Feng shui can be used to shape the energy around you. It is about changing your life by assessing and maintaining your connection to the natural world” -Sandra Kynes (author of Gemstone Feng Shui).


For this reason, crystals can be used according to the principles of feng shui in order to enhance positive energy and counteract negative energy in your space. Crystals and stones can be used to shift the energy in your healing arts space, and in turn, make positive changes in your life and business that will result in balance and harmony.  Knowing how to utilize crystal energy to positively affect the flow of energy in your sacred business is the key to proper Crystal Feng Shui.

All spaces have nine distinct areas, and these correspond to the nine areas of the Bagua Map.  According to the ancient Chinese Bagua Map, parts of your space directly connect to certain areas of your life. By placing stones in your business, office, or healing room according to the Bagua Map, you can change the energy of your space, and, in turn, of your life.

You can place stones in one area of your healing arts room or business according to the Bagua Map, or you can look at the entire business as a whole and place stones throughout the home accordingly. There are several ways to do this. You may choose stones according to their color, their known properties, or their elemental correspondences.

Crystal Feng ShuiWealth & Prosperity Section:

Colors: red, purple & blue

Elements: fire & wood

Crystals: Amethyst, Charoite, Ruby, Fire Opal, Petrified Wood, Smoky Quartz

Fame & Reputation Section:

Colors: red

Elements: fire

Crystals: Red Jasper, Red Tiger’s Eye, Ruby, Fire Opal

Love & Marriage Section:

Colors: red, pink & white

Elements: fire & metal

Crystals: Rose Quartz, Pink Mangano Calcite, Ruby, Fire Opal, Pyrite, Hematite

Health & Family Section:

Colors: green & blue

Elements: wood

Crystals: Emerald, Peridot, Petrified Wood, Smoky QUartz

Balance & Harmony Section:

Colors: yellow, orange & brown

Elements: earth

Crystals: Smoky Quartz, Golden Tiger’s Eye, Petrified Wood

Creativity & Children Section:

Colors: white & pastel colors

Elements: metal

Crystals: Clear Quartz, Rainbow Moonstone, Pyrite, Hematite

Wisdom & Personal Growth Section:

Colors: blue, green & black

Elements: wood & water

Crystals: Celestite, Blue Apatite, Petrified Wood, Smoky Quartz, Aquamarine, Blue Quartz

Career & Livelihood Section:

Colors: black

Elements: water

Crystals: Black Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Aquamarine, Blue Quartz

Travel & Helpful People Section:

Colors: gray, white & black

Elements: metal & water

Crystals: Clear Quartz, Snowflake Obsidian, Pyrite, Hematite, Aquamarine, Blue Quartz


Once you’ve selected a few stones, place them in the corresponding areas of your space according to the Bagua Map to bring their energy into your space.

Allow the new crystal to stay in place for at least four weeks so that you can monitor how the energy shifts in the corresponding area of your life and business.  This will seem subtle at first, but give it some time and pay close attention to how things begin to change.

For example, if you’d like to enhance the wealth and prosperity of your business, try adding an Amethyst or Smoky Quartz crystal to the wealth area of your space (according to the Crystal Bagua Map).  Wait a few weeks and make note of any changes you notice in this area of your life. If things don’t improve like you’d hoped, try adding a second crystal to the space, or place a Clear Quartz crystal near the original stone to amplify its energy.

Using crystals in this way not only shifts the energy in your space and in your business, but it beautifies your space, which is enjoyable to both you AND your clients.


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Crystal Feng Shui for Your Office or Healing Arts Room
Article Name
Crystal Feng Shui for Your Office or Healing Arts Room
Do you ever feel like the energy of your healing space is just a bit 'off'? Feng shui can be used to shape the energy around you. Crystal feng shui works to enhance the positive energy and counteract the negative energy in your space.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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8 Responses

    1. Thank you so much for reading, Diana! <3 We hope you can use some of these tips 🙂 Crystal blessings!

  1. I found this podcast really useful- I have downloaded the bagua map so I can use it in my healing room. Thanks so much. I should say I do enjoy all your podcasts- this one was a real standout though

    1. We are so so glad that the podcast was useful for you, Christine! <3 We hope the bagua map helps you with your healing room <3 Crystal blessings!

    1. Thanks for bringing this to our attention! This resource is no longer available – we’ve updated the blog now. Sorry for the confusion! Crystal Blessings

  2. Thank you so much for this blog post! It’s really informative.

    When you look at the space, do you look at it from the front door with your back to the door to put the feng shui spaces into perspective?

    Can the work desk be sectioned off into feng shui sections too?

    Thank you

    1. Hi Jessie! We’re so happy you found this post helpful! To apply the feng shui energy map, you line the bottom 3 areas of the Bagua to align with your front door (or the door you use to enter your home the most), which means the front door will always be in the knowledge/self-cultivation area, the career area, or the helpful people/travel area. You then divide your home into 9 equal areas based on the map. So when you stand at the front door, looking inside your home:

      The front door (or other entrance) always lines up with either knowledge/self-cultivation, career, or helpful people/travel.
      The middle sections of your home are always: family/legacy, health, and children/creativity.
      The far back sections of your home are always: money, fame, and love/relationships.

      For your work desk, yes, you can definitely section it off to feng shui sections as well! If you look up a Bagua Map for the work desk, there is quite a bit of information available on the topic! Hope that helps! Crystal Blessings! <3

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