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Crystal Controversy: Rough vs Tumbled Stones

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When it comes to choosing stones, do you find yourself gravitating more towards rough ones or the tumbled sort? Do you think that one works better than the other or perhaps one has a stronger energy over the other? While you are the only one that knows which one works best for you, it’s interesting to hear what different experts have to say on the subject of rough vs. tumbled stones.

My own feeling in the rough vs tumbled stones debate has always been that rough stones have a more forceful presence than stones that have been tumbled or polished. I usually work with rough stones when an energetic breakthrough is needed.

People often ask me whether rough stones or tumbled stones are “better” or “most powerful”. However, “more powerful” or “stronger” doesn’t always equate to BETTER. Like anything else, it depends upon the person working with the crystals and the specific situation or scenario.



Rough vs Tumbled StonesTumbled stones or polished stones have a really subtle, gentle energy that radiates outward in all directions.

In general, they feel a bit gentler to me. Sometimes this is just what’s needed. Tumbled stones are great to work with for those who are sensitive to energy. They are also good for those who are working through intense emotions.

Some healers say that the more natural or unworked a stone is, the more energy it contains. However this hasn’t been my experience at all. It’s also really hard to quantify what’s meant by “more energy”. The conclusion we can draw here is that some of these healers may think that the process of shaping or polishing a stone may damage the stone in some way, on an energetic level. While I do think that shaping a stone changes the way in which we EXPERIENCE the energy of that stone, it doesn’t change or affect the inherent qualities or energy of the crystal.


When working with a shaped stone, our experience of that stone may change.

For example, a rough Amethyst and a tumbled Amethyst still share the same qualities. However, the way the energy is emitted, received, and PERCEIVED by us can shift a bit with each different stone shape. Just like it changes when working with different natural crystal formations – like points, clusters, scepters, geodes, etc.


When choosing a crystal to work with, you may want to consider not only the type of stone and its qualities, but its shape as well.

Using the example above, if you’ve chosen to work with Amethyst for boosting your intuition, then you may want to also choose a compatible shape. If you felt you had a block around receiving messages from your intuition, then maybe you would want to work with a rough Amethyst crystal for a big energetic push. Whereas if you were feeling apprehensive or nervous about what your intuition might tell you, then a tumbled Amethyst may be a better fit. It would be a bit slower build and the process would be more gradual and gentle.

Not to mention, there are LOADS of other crystal shapes you could use. You could use a carved pyramid for amplification or even a sphere for scrying divination.

Another thing to consider when choosing between rough vs tumbled stones is protection. Polishing can put in an extra layer of security, in the form of the polished surface, between users and toxic minerals. For example, Malachite contains copper and should be handled with caution when in its rough form, but polished stones don’t pose the same issue when it comes to malachite. However, this isn’t true of all stones.

Rough vs Tumbled StonesObviously, there’s not total agreement about this amongst all crystal workers, and there likely never will be.

It’s natural that sifting through the opinions of many people brings a variety of experiences. Still, it’s important to remember that crystal energy exists in rough, polished, and tumbled stones. The more natural the form, the more direct the transmission of that energy. Unsurprisingly, people tend to feel more raw power coming from rough stones. But in some circumstances, softer energy is more appropriate. And sometimes other considerations, such as toxicity, make tumbled stones the better choice. They contain a buffer between the raw nature of the stone and the practical realities of human needs.

So what might this mean for professional crystal healers?

Ultimately, there is no clear winner. If you’re a practicing crystal healer, you may want to consider having some rough stones and some tumbled stones available in your crystal toolkit. And when in doubt, just trust your intuition. If, like many people, you feel stronger energy coming from rough stones, you’ll want to take that into consideration when choosing your crystals. But that doesn’t mean rough is always better. Other times, safety, aesthetics, or a desire for softer energy may lead you to tumbled stones. In those cases, that’s the right choice for your circumstances.


Check out this class snippet all about Crystal Shapes from my Crystal Healing Certification Program:

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Crystal Controversy: Rough vs. Tumbled Stones
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Crystal Controversy: Rough vs. Tumbled Stones
Which is better: a rough crystal, or one that’s been polished? We hear that question all the time at Mimosa. Some people think that rough stones have a purer energy, whereas others say the form of the stone makes no difference.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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