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How to Create Crystal Elixirs Safely

How to Prepare Crystal Elixirs SafelyPeople often ask me about crystal elixirs and how to create their own, but it’s important to know how to do this safely when working with your stones in this way.

Many people don’t realize that most stones are unsafe for using in the traditional way of preparing crystal elixirs (where crystals are submerged into some water and charged in sun or moonlight).

Before creating any crystal elixirs, you should ALWAYS check that the stones used in your essence are non-toxic.

Crystal essences and crystal elixirs should only be prepared using the alternative method of preparation, which I show you below.

Please note that radioactive stones should NEVER be used in the preparation of crystal elixirs or essences, not even by the alternative method! I’ve included a list of many unsafe stones at the bottom of this post, but if you’re unsure whether a stone is safe to use for crystal elixirs, don’t use it – when in doubt, leave it out!

How to Safely Create Crystal Elixirs:

  1. Set a purpose or intention for your crystal elixirs
  2. Choose stones related to your purpose
  3. Check to be sure that your chosen stones are not radioactive
  4. Place your chosen stones inside of a sterilized glass container (containing no water)
  5. Place this small glass container into a larger sterilized glass container that does contain water (the stones NEVER make direct contact with the water, but their energetic vibration is allowed to be transmitted through the glass container into the water)
  6. Cover the larger container with a lid or some plastic wrap
  7. Allow your stones to sit in the water for at least a few hours.
  8. Add grain alcohol (or a food-grade alcohol that is at least 90% alcohol – 180 proof) as a preservative in a 1:1 ratio of alcohol to water into a freshly sterilized, glass dropper bottle or jar – this means that your finished elixir will be 50% alcohol and 50% water. So, if you have 2 ounces of energy-infused water, measure out 2 ounces of alcohol for the finished elixir. It is imperative for safety that you add the correct type and quantity of alcohol for preserving your elixir.
  9. Removing the small, inner container with the stone, and pouring the correct amount of energy-infused water (measured out according to the 1:1 ratio described in step #9 above), into the glass bottle with the alcohol.
  10. Label your elixir with the stone(s) used and the date it was bottled.
  11. Store your bottled elixir in a cool, dark place for up to 30 days (if you see any signs of microbial growth, discard the bottle with its contents and do not use it). Be sure to keep essences & elixirs out of reach of children and pets.
  12. These elixirs are recommended for external use only (try placing a few drops in your bathwater, adding a few drops to a dish of fresh water used for scrying divination, or add a few drops to a small offering dish in your sacred space or on your altar (as long as it’s out of reach of children and pets).


Safely Create Crystal Elixirs

Learning all of the steps to safely create your own crystal elixirs takes quite a bit of training (more than can be summarized in this post), but these are the basic steps so you can understand the general process.

MinDat is a great resource for checking the chemical composition of your crystals to help you determine whether or not they may contain toxic elements or if they may be radioactive.

Below I’ve included a list of cited references to stones that are unfit for elixir preparation (along with the explanation of why these stones shouldn’t be used with the traditional method). This list also includes radioactive stones that should be avoided in both the traditional and alternative methods of creating crystal elixirs.

This is by NO MEANS an exhaustive list of all toxic stones. You should ONLY create crystal elixirs if you have been properly trained in gem elixir preparation and if you are absolutely certain as to the safety of your stones.

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I can’t stress this enough…if you aren’t 100% certain as to the safety of a crystal for elixir preparation, then don’t use it!

Again, this is not a complete list, but it can help you rule out some of the most common stones that should be avoided. If the stone you’re using is known by more than one name, be sure to check the list under all known names for the stone.

Additionally, this list includes other safety considerations, like stones that may give off harmful dust, stones that are toxic to handle with bare hands, etc. However, just because a stone is listed here doesn’t mean it’s necessarily unsafe to handle (as there are many on this list simply due to their being unsuitable for elixir preparation).

BUT…there are quite a lot of stones on this list that are completely unsafe to handle (or even be near in the case of radioactive stones), so it’s important to consider how you’ll be working with the stone (in an elixir, placing it on the body, holding it in the hands, etc.) to determine whether or not it’s appropriate based on the information below.

Just as I’ve explained above for elixir preparation, if you’re uncertain of a stone’s safe handling requirements, it’s best to do your research about the chemical composition and safe handling suggestions prior to working with it.


Abalone – Harmful or toxic stone. Organic, may contain bacteria as well as pollutants from toxic materials from the water it forms in.

Acanthite – “This mineral’s softness precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 79).

Actinolite – “Fibrous form is a type of asbestos. Not recommended for elixirs” (Healing Crystals).

Adamite – “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains zinc and copper” (Harton). “Contains Arsenic (Arsenate) and trace amounts of copper which is toxic” (Healing Crystals).

Ajoite – “Contains aluminum, copper” (Healing Crystals).

Albite – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Feldspar…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Alexandrite – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).

Algodonite – “The slight arsenide content of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir” (Supplement A 37).

Almandine – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Garnet…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Altaite – “This lead base of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 104). “Due to the lead content of this mineral, an elixir preparation via the normal method is not recommended. However, an elixir (non-normal method) is recommended, due to the ability of the energy to stimulate the physical form” (Supplement A 310).

Alum – “This material is extremely soft and fragile, and it melts in water” (Stein 13). “Should never be washed or held under water” (Gienger 13).

Alurgite – “The softness and fragility of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 106).

Amazonite – “Use with caution, the color is a result of traces of copper, which is toxic” (Jentoft). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper” (Harton). “Do not use…for internal use. Contains copper” (Sullivan). “Its intense color is caused by the presence of lead” (Kennedy 198). “Trace amounts of copper which is toxic” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Feldspar…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Amber – “…Acts to purify ones body, mind, and spirit when…used as an elixir” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 109) “Toxic or harmful stone. Toxic dust, fumes, possible ingestive toxicity” (Harton). I have found much information that contradicts this statement and claims that Amber is completely non-toxic. This is the only source that I have read claiming that Amber should be used with caution. My suggestion would be to use in an elixir prepared with the alternative method just to be safe until more research can be done on this claim.

Amblygonite – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).

Andalusite – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).

Andersonite – “The delicacy of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir” (Supplement A 45).

Andesine – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Feldspar…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Andradite – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Garnet…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Angelite – This stone is too soft and may dissolve if used in the normal method of preparation of an elixir. “Do not use in a gemstone essence as it is very soft and may melt in the water” (Stein xv). “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains lead and sulphur” (Harton).

Anglesite – “treat with extra care – contains lead; may react with acids in the skin; keep away from children & pets, avoid breathing in dust, avoid contact with water, handle infrequently & wash hands after handling” (Solstice).

Anhydrite, Blue Druzy – “Avoid soaking this stone in water, as it will deteriorate and dissolve” (Stein 25).

Anhydrite, Purple – “Avoid soaking it in water, as the stone is soft and will deteriorate and dissolve” (Stein 26).

Anorthite – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Feldspar…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Anorthoclase – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Feldspar…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Antigorite – “The softness and lamellar structure of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 123).

Antimonite – “Do not use…for internal use. Contains lead” (Sullivan).

Aphrizite (Black Tourmaline) – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).

Apollo Stone – “The content of Uranium in this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir” (Supplement A 253).

Aquamarine – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum. “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Beryl…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Aragonite – “Toxic or harmful stone” (Harton).

Argentite – The softness of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 131).

Arsenopyrite – “treat with extra care – contains arsenic & sulphur; releases toxic fumes when heated; avoid placing in a sunny window, keep away from children & pets, avoid breathing in dust, avoid contact with water, handle infrequently & wash hands after handling” (Solstice).

Ash, Volcanic – “The normal method of preparation of an elixir of the volcanic ash is only recommended if adequate filtering equipment is available” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 132). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation.

Atacamite – “Poisonous (copper)” (Jentoft). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper” (Harton). “Contains poisonous/toxic copper” (Healing Crystals).

Aurichalcite – “Poisonous (zinc and copper)” (Jentoft). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper” (Harton). “Do not use…for internal use. Contains zinc and copper” (Sullivan). “Contains zinc and copper which are toxic” (Healing Crystals).

Autunite – “Do not use this mineral in the preparation of an elixir via the normal method. It is recommended that the use of Autunite be confined to an established location in ones environment, from which the powers would emanate” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 135).

Aventurine“Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).

Axinite – “Contains aluminum, iron” (Healing Crystals).

Azurite – “Never attempt to prepare an essence from this stone since it gives off sulfur when mixed with water” (Bourgault 55). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Poisonous (copper)” (Jentoft). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Do not clean nodules in water” (Lilly 188). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper” (Harton). “Do not use…for internal use. Contains copper” (Sullivan) “Contains copper, toxic” (Healing Crystals). “treat with extra care – contains toxic levels of copper; keep away from children & pets, avoid breathing in dust, avoid contact with water, handle infrequently & wash hands after handling (especially raw specimens)” (Solstice).


Barite – “Do not use…for internal use. Contains lead, zinc, and barium” (Sullivan).

Bastnaesite – “The chemical makeup of Bastnaesite does contain toxic elements which can react when combined with water” (Healing Crystals).

Beaverite – “Since the mineral is rather crumbly, preparation of an elixir via the normal method is not recommended” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 149).

Beryl Group (Aquamarine, Goshenite, Heliodor, Morganite) – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum. “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).

Betafite – “avoid completely – contains radioactive uranium; not suitable for collections” (Solstice).

Beudantite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 155).

Bindheimite – “The slight lead content of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir” (Supplement A 59).

Bismuth – “Heavy metal” (Healing Crystals).

Boji Stone ® – “The stones…may disintegrate after discharging their energy to enhance the well-being and stability of the environment in which they were placed…beware that they may disappear” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 162). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Unfit (contains some sulfur). There is some secrecy regarding its contents-which means you really should not drink it” (Jentoft). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Toxic or harmful stone. May contain sulphur” (Harton). “Do not use…for internal use. Contains sulfur” (Sullivan). “Contains sulfur, Pyrite and/or Marcasite which are toxic; also could be a fire hazard” (Healing Crystals).

Borax – “Due to the solubility/fragility of Borax, do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Supplement Z 51).

Boulangerite – “Preparation of an elixir via the normal method is not recommended” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 167).

Brazilianite – “Contains aluminum – not recommended to use in its raw form” (Healing Crystals).

Brewsterite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Supplement Z 55).

Bronchantite – “Unfit and poisonous (copper)” (Jentoft). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Do not use…for internal use. Contains copper” (Sullivan). “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper” (Harton). “Copper hydrated sulfate, toxic” (Healing Crystals).

Bumblebee Jasper“Contains toxic sulfur and arsenic” (Healing Crystals).

Bytownite – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Feldspar…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).


Calaverite – “Do not use this mineral as an elixir” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 178).

Carbon-C60 – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Supplement Z 73).

Carnotite – “Preparation of an elixir via the normal method is not recommended” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 184).

Cavansite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Supplement A 316).

Celestite – This stone is soft and may dissolve if used in the normal method of preparation of an elixir.

Cerussite – “No elixir. Wash hands after contact with lead ore” (The Crystal Healer 81). “As an elixir it is an excellent energizer and protector of house plants; it can also be used in the garden or field situation to help relieve infestations. It has been used in the home environment to protect against pests” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 191). “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains sulphur and molybdenum” (Harton). “treat with extra care – contains lead; may react with acids in the skin; keep away from children & pets, avoid breathing in dust, avoid contact with water, handle infrequently & wash hands after handling” (Solstice).

Chalcanthite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 192). “Poisonous (copper)” (Jentoft). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “This stone is very fragile; do not put it in water or place in direct sunlight” (Stein 51). “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper” (Harton). “Do not use…for internal use. Contains copper” (Sullivan). “Should never be washed or held under water” (Gienger 13). “avoid completely – contains dangerous amounts of copper in a highly soluble form; extremely toxic to human health & aquatic ecosystems; not suitable for collections” (Solstice).

Chalcopyrite – “Poisonous (copper and sulfur)” (Jentoft). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper and sulphur” (Harton). “Do not use…for internal use. Contains copper and sulfur” (Sullivan). “A toxic stone and should be…used only in tumbled form, especially in elixirs” (New Crystals 92). “Contains copper and sulfur which can be toxic” (Healing Crystals).

Chrysoberyl – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals)

Chrysocolla – “Poisonous (copper)” (Jentoft). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Do not consume as a gemstone essence as it is poisonous to ingest” (Stein xv). “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper” (Harton). “Do not use…for internal use. Contains copper” (Sullivan). “Contains poisonous/toxic copper. Safe for handling but not for use in elixirs” (Healing Crystals).

Chrysotile – “Due to the asbestos content of this mineral, do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 207). “Chrysotile (asbestos) is the fibrous form of Serpentine. It should not be used because its dust can cause serious lung disease such as emphysema. However, its massive form (Serpentine) is completely safe to use” (Lilly 150). “avoid completely – a variety of asbestos; carcinogenic; not suitable for collections” (Solstice).

Cinnabar – “No elixir” (The Crystal Healer 36). “Poisonous (mercury and quicksilver)” (Jentoft). “Poisonous and should not be used in crystal healing (Mercury Sulfide) (Lilly 97). “Do not consume as a gemstone essence as it is poisonous to ingest” (Stein xv). “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains mercury” (Harton). “Do not use…for internal use. Contains mercury and quicksilver” (Sullivan). “Cinnabar must on no account be taken internally as a tea or elixir!” (Peschek-Böhmer 123). “Poisonous” (Taylor 31). “Never use…toxic stone…contains mercury” (O’Donoghue 56). “Contains mercury which can be poisonous/toxic. Wash hands after holding. Do not touch hands to eyes or mouth while holding” (Healing Crystals). “treat with extra care – contains mercury; releases toxic fumes when heated; avoid placing in a sunny window, keep away from children & pets, avoid breathing in dust, avoid contact with water, handle infrequently & wash hands after handling” (Solstice).

Cobaltocalcite – “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains cobalt” (Harton).

Colusite – “The slight arsenide content of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir” (Supplement A 73)

Concretion – Some concretions may be too soft to prepare an elixir via the normal method.

Conichalcite – “Poisonous (copper)” (Jentoft). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper” (Harton). “Do not use…for internal use. Contains copper” (Sullivan). “Contains poisonous/toxic copper” (Healing Crystals)

Copper – Poisonous (Jentoft). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper” (Harton). “Do not use…for internal use. Poisonous” (Sullivan). “’Pure’ copper found in nature sometimes contains small amounts of iron silver, bismuth, tin, lead, or antimony” (Cayce 16). “It must not come into contact with water, which is why one should never drink copper water” (Peschek-Böhmer 127). “Contains poisonous/toxic copper” (Healing Crystals).

Coral – “Toxic or harmful stone. Organic, may contain bacteria as well as pollutants from toxic materials in the water it forms in” (Harton).

Corundum Group (Ruby & Sapphire) – Toxic or harmful stones. Contains aluminum.

Covellite – “An elixir should be made only from the polished mineral” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 225). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Contains poisonous/toxic copper” (Healing Crystals).

Creaseyite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Supplement Z 83).

Crocidolite – “avoid completely – a variety of asbestos; carcinogenic; not suitable for collections” (Solstice).

Crocoite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 227). “Caution: No elixir” (Complete Guide to Crystal Chakra Healing 68). “Contains poisonous/toxic levels of chromium. Do not touch hands to eyes or mouth while holding. Do not ingest” (Healing Crystals). “treat with extra care – contains toxic hexavalent chromium & lead; very friable & soluble in acids; keep away from children & pets, avoid breathing in dust, avoid contact with water, handle infrequently & wash hands after handling” (Solstice).

Cumengéite – “The slight lead content of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir” (Supplement A 77).

Cuprite – “Poisonous (copper)” (Jentoft). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper” (Harton). “Do not use…for internal use. Contains copper” (Sullivan). “Contains poisonous/toxic copper. Wash hands after holding. Do not touch hands to eyes or mouth while holding” (Healing Crystals).

Cyanotrichite – “Preparation of an elixir via the normal method is not recommended” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 231).


Dalmatian Jasper – “Dalmatian Jasper” (Healing Crystals).

Demantoid – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Garnet…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Desert Rose – Do not “immerse it in water as its mysterious desert nature is regarded as being weakened by immersion” (Taylor 87).

Devilline – “Due to the softness of this mineral, do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Supplement Z 95).

Diaboleite – “The slight lead content of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir” (Supplement A 83).

Dicinite – “Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 242).

Diopside – “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper” (Harton).

Dioptase – “Poisonous (copper)” (Jentoft). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper” (Harton). “Do not use…for internal use. Contains copper” (Sullivan). “Contains poisonous/toxic copper. Safe for handling but not for use in elixirs” (Healing Crystals).

Dumontite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 250).

Dumortierite – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).


Eglestonite – “Preparation of an elixir via the normal method is not recommended” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 256).

Eilat Stone – “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper” (Harton).

Elöllingite – “The arsenide content of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir” (Supplement A 155).

Emerald – “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum” (Harton). “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Beryl…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Enargite – “Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 259).

Endlichite – “Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 259).

Epidote – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).

Erionite – “avoid completely – a fibrous zeolite mineral; carcinogenic; not suitable for collections” (Solstice).

Erythrite – “Do not use as an elixir” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 264).

Euchroite – “It is poisonous, so wash your hands thoroughly after handling” (Lilly 141). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation.


Feldspar Group (Albite, Amazonite, Andesine, Anorthite, Anorthoclase, Bytownite, Labradorite, Microcline, Moonstone, Oligoclase, Orthoclase, Plagioclase, Sanidine, etc.) – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Feldspar…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Ferrimolybdite – “Due to the softness of this mineral, do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Supplement Z 105).

Fluorite – “Fluorite does occasionally have some toxic ingredients” (Kennedy 237).

Fossil – Some fossils may be too soft to use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir.

Freibergite – “Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 285).

Fuchsite – “Due to the flakiness of this mineral, it is recommended that an elixir is not prepared by the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 286).


Galena – “Internal consumption of an elixir of this mineral is not recommended” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 289). “Poisonous (almost 90 percent lead)” (Jentoft). “Never Use” (Lilly 34). “Is toxic” (Lilly 199). “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains lead” (Harton). “Do not use…for internal use. Contains lead (almost 90%)” (Sullivan). “Sensitive to water or washing solutions” (Gienger 13). “Poisonous if taken internally” (Taylor 73). “Toxic, handle with care” (Taylor 138). “Contains high amounts of lead which can be poisonous”(Healing Crystals). “treat with extra care – contains lead; may oxidise & degrade to form a powdery coating of Cerussite (lead carbonate) or Anglesite (lead sulphate); keep away from children & pets, avoid breathing in dust, avoid contact with water, handle infrequently & wash hands after handling” (Solstice).

Garnet Group (Almandine, Andradite, Demantoid, Grossularite, Hessonite, Melanite, Pyrope, Rhodolite, Spessartine, Tsavorite, Uvarovite, etc.) – “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum” (Harton). “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Garnet…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Garnierite – “Contains nickel” (Jentoft). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains Nickel” (Harton).

Gem Silica – “Contains poisonous/toxic copper. Safe for handling but not for use in elixirs” (Healing Crystals).

Geyserite – “Due to the solubility of this mineral, do not prepare an elixir via the normal method” (Supplement Z 131).

Goshenite – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum. “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Beryl…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Graphite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 302).

Grossularite – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Garnet…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Guerinite – “Due to the softness of this mineral, do not prepare an elixir via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 304).

Gypsum – Due to the soft nature of this mineral, it is recommended that only the alternative method of preparation be used to create an elixir.


Halite – “No elixir” (The Crystal Healer 39). “Due to the solubility of this Halite, do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method…One can use small amounts of this mineral as an elixir and as a mineral additive in cooking [small amounts being one to four drops]” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 310). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Do not use in a gemstone essence as it is very soft and may melt in the water” (Stein xv). “…in the bath or under shower…it dissolves” (The Crystal Bible 2 149). “Will dissolve in water (Halite is salt)” (Jentoft). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Do not use…for internal use. Not suitable, as it will dissolve in water” (Sullivan). “Caution: No elixir” (Complete Guide to Crystal Chakra Healing 69). “The stone will dissolve [in water]” (New Crystals 130). “Should never be washed or held under water” (Gienger 13). “Will start to dissolve…in water” (Taylor 19). “Will react with water on a chemical level” (Taylor 73). “Water soluble. Avoid contact with water” (Simpson 55). “Unfit for elixir use – will dissolve in water (Healing Crystals).

Halite, Translucent Massive – “Due to the solubility and electrification of this Halite configuration, do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Supplement A 321).

Hancockite – “The slight possible lead content of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir” (Supplement A 123).

Hanksite – “Dissolves when wet. Keep dry” (The Crystal Bible 2 151).

Heliodor – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum. “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Beryl…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Hematite – “Will rust” (Jentoft). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Do not use…for internal use. Not suitable, as it will rust in water” (Sullivan). “Never discharge in water” (Peschek-Böhmer 163). “Unfit for elixir use – will rust with prolonged exposure in liquid” (Healing Crystals).

Hessonite – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Garnet…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Hiddenite – “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum” (Harton). “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). May be artificially irradiated and could be radioactive.


Idocrase – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).

Iolite – “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains Aluminum” (Harton). “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).


Jadeite – “Contains aluminum and iron” (Healing Crystals).

Jamesonite – “The lead content of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir” (Supplement A 135).

Jet – “Neither water nor sun should be used in its cleaning and charging” (Peschek-Böhmer 177).


Kasolite – “This mineral is radioactive. Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method. It is best to store this mineral in glass and to utilize the energies which permeate the glass” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 357). Do not use this mineral in any elixir.

Kernite – “Due to the solubility of Kernite, do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 358).

Kunzite – “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum” (Harton).

Kyanite – “Friable stones such as Kyanite should never be placed in water” (Crystal User’s Handbook 77). “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum” (Harton). “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).


Labradorite – “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum” (Harton). “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Feldspar…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Lapis Lazuli – “Poisonous (the pyrite inclusions, that is)” (Jentoft). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. Lapis Lazuli is a crystal “not to cleanse in water or saltwater.” This stone is “either water-soluble or the physical properties are affected by the water” (Lambert 149 & 150). “Toxic or harmful stone. May contain copper or sulphur” (Harton). “Porous, do not soak, dry after cleansing. Avoid contact with water” (Simpson 55). “Contains sulfur and possible Pyrite inclusions which are poisonous” (Healing Crystals).

Lazulite – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).

Lazurite – “Contains aluminum, sulfur” (Healing Crystals).

Lead – “Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 376). “Never Use” (Lilly 34). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation.

Lepidolite – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).

Litharge – “Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method” (Supplement Z165).

Löllingite – “The arsenide content of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir” (Supplement A 155).

Lopezite – “avoid completely – contains dangerous, highly soluble hexavalent chromium; carcinogenic & extremely toxic to aquatic ecosystems; not suitable for collections” (Solstice).

Lorandite – “avoid completely – contains thallium, arsenic & sulphur; carcinogenic; not suitable for collections” (Solstice).


Magnetite – “Unfit (iron, will rust)” (Jentoft). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains iron in large quantities” (Harton). “Do not use…for internal use. Not suitable, as it will rust in water” (Sullivan). “Because the stone contains iron it must not come into contact with water” (Peschek-Böhmer 193). “Iron will rust, DO NOT use in elixirs or charging water” (Healing Crystals).

Malachite – “It is recommended that only the polished form of malachite be used for the preparation of an elixir via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 396). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “It is toxic and should be used only in its polished form. Avoid breathing its dust. If used as a gem elixir, apply externally only or make by the indirect method of placing the stone in a glass container and standing this within spring water so that the stone does not touch the water” (The Crystal Bible 182- 183). “Malachite is very soft and absorbent, so should be kept separate from harder stones and corrosive materials such as salt and oils” (Lilly 153). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Do not consume as a gemstone essence as it is poisonous to ingest” (Stein xv). “If the gem essence is made from a toxic crystal such as Malachite…put some on your hands and pass them around your body about a foot away” (Crystal User’s Handbook 50). “Never use a toxic stone such as Malachite unpolished. Polished stone elixirs from toxic crystals should be used only for external application” (Crystal User’s Handbook 51). “Use tumbled stone only” (Crystal User’s Handbook 99). “Use polished Malachite for elixir preparation” (Crystal User’s Handbook 122). “Best to use polished malachite as dust from rough crystal can adversely affect some people” (Lambert 51). “Only use in polished form as the dust can be toxic” (Lambert 73). “Use polished stone” (Lambert 95). Malachite is a crystal “not to cleanse in water or saltwater.” This stone is “either water-soluble or the physical properties are affected by the water” (Lambert 149 & 150). “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper” (Harton). “Do not use…for internal use. Poisonous” (Sullivan). “…Because the dust of Malachite can be poisonous, great care should always be taken…with this stone” (Silver 62). “Cool water only. Avoid contact with water” (Simpson 55). “Contains poisonous/toxic copper” (Healing Crystals). “treat with extra care – contains toxic levels of copper; keep away from children & pets, avoid breathing in dust, avoid contact with water, handle infrequently & wash hands after handling (especially raw specimens)” (Solstice).

Marcasite – “Poisonous (sulfur, Marcasite has the same chemical makeup as Pyrite)” (Jentoft). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains sulphur” (Harton). “Do not use…for internal use. Contains sulfur” (Sullivan). “With time and exposure to oxygen, may form a white powdery substance/residue which is poisonous/toxic sulfuric acid. If this occurs you should not wear next to the skin or touch. Not recommended for elixirs” (Healing Crystals). “treat with extra care – contains sulphur; when exposed to water or humid environments, Marcasite may form crusts of white powder (Melanterite) & sulphuric acid; keep away from children & pets, avoid breathing in dust, avoid contact with water, handle infrequently & wash hands after handling” (Solstice).

Melanite – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Garnet…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Mendozavilite – “Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method” (Supplement Z 169).

Mesolite – “ZEOLITES – special mention – this mineral group includes many fibrous species (such as Okenite, Natrolite & Mesolite) and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of small particles; keep away from children & pets, avoid breathing in dust, avoid contact with water, wash hands after handling” (Solstice).

Meteorite – “No elixir with chondrites and achondrites” (The Crystal Healer 101). Only Tektites are safe to use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir. “Toxic or harmful stone. May contain many toxic substances” (Harton).

Mica – Due to the flakiness of this mineral, it is recommended that an elixir is not prepared by the normal method. “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).

Microcline – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Feldspar…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Mimetite – “treat with care – contains lead; keep away from children & pets, avoid breathing in dust, avoid contact with water, wash hands after handling” (Solstice).

Minium – “The lead content of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir” (Supplement A 171).

Mixite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 410).

Mochi Ball © – These stones are too soft to use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir.

Mohawkite – “Poisonous (copper, arsenic, etc. Keep away from children!)” (Jentoft). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper and arsenic” (Harton). “Do not use…for internal use. Contains copper and arsenic” (Sullivan).

Moldavite – “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum” (Harton).

Molybdenum – “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains molybdenum” (Harton).

Monazite – “avoid completely – contains radioactive thorium & sometimes uranium; not suitable for collections” (Solstice).

Moonstone – “Toxic or harmful stone. May contain aluminum or other harmful substances” (Harton). “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Feldspar…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Morganite – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum. “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Beryl…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Mother of Pearl – “Harmful or toxic stone. Organic, may contain bacteria as well as pollutants from toxic materials from the water it forms in” (Harton).

Muscovite – Due to the flakiness of this mineral, it is recommended that an elixir is not prepared by the normal method.


Nadorite – Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 427).

Natrojarosite – “Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method” (Supplement Z 183).

Natrolite – “ZEOLITES – special mention – this mineral group includes many fibrous species (such as…Natrolite…) and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of small particles; keep away from children & pets, avoid breathing in dust, avoid contact with water, wash hands after handling” (Solstice).

Newberyite – “The solubility of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir” (Supplement A 179).

Niccolite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 433).


Okenite – “ZEOLITES – special mention – this mineral group includes many fibrous species (such as Okenite…) and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of small particles; keep away from children & pets, avoid breathing in dust, avoid contact with water, wash hands after handling” (Solstice).

Oligoclase – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Feldspar…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Olivenite – “The arsenide content of this precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir” (Supplement A 323).

Opal – “Toxic or harmful stone. Toxic dust for inhalation…so if you must use opal for an elixir, etc., be sure to carefully clean off any opal dust” (Harton).

Opal, Fire – “Can absorb water and crack” (Taylor 34).

Orpiment – Due to the softness of orpiment, the preparation of an elixir via the normal method is not recommended” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 464). Do not use this mineral in any elixir. “An arsenic” (Jentoft). Do not use this mineral in any elixir. “Never Use” (Lilly 34). Do not use this mineral in any elixir. “Orpiment is poisonous to touch and gives off arsenic vapors, so should never be used” (Lilly 122). “It is vitally important to make sure that the stone is not ingested. Orpiment contains the poison arsenic and must never be taken internally!” (Peschek-Böhmer 218). “All Orpiment in the various shades of yellow contain poisonous arsenic and is therefore very dangerous. Used externally, it is completely safe” (Peschek-Böhmer 219). There are contradictory statements given by different authors as to whether or not Orpiment is safe to use externally. To be safe, always wash hands thoroughly after handling and NEVER use internally. “Never use…toxic stone…[contains] arsenic” (O’Donoghue 56). “HIGHLY TOXIC levels of Arsenic. Wash hands after use, keep away from children! Do not put hands near eyes or mouth before washing hands” (Healing Crystals). Orpiment contains Arsenic, so please wash hands thoroughly after handling. “treat with extra care – contains arsenic; can photo-decompose to highly toxic powdery Arsenolite; keep out of light, keep away from children & pets, avoid breathing in dust, avoid contact with water, handle infrequently & wash hands after after handling” (Solstice).

Orthoclase – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Feldspar…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Osarizawaite – “Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method” (Supplement Z 209).


Pargasite – “Contains aluminum so it is not recommended for elixirs or immersing in water to charge it” (Healing Crystals).

Peacock Ore – “Contains copper and sulfur which can be toxic” (Healing Crystals).

Pearl – “Toxic or harmful stone. Organic, may contain bacteria as well as pollutants from toxic materials in the water it forms in” (Harton).

Petalite – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum.

Pietersite – “Do not use…for internal use. Contains aluminum” (Sullivan). “Similar to Tiger’s Eye. Fibrous form contains asbestos. Not recommended to use raw forms for elixirs” (Healing Crystals). “ASBESTOS INCLUSIONS – special mention – minerals such as…Pietersite…contain asbestos within their crystalline structure, but in their polished form are considered very unlikely to pose any kind of risk; however, raw specimens of asbestos-bearing minerals should be treated with extra care; keep raw specimens away from children & pets, avoid breathing in dust, handle infrequently & wash hands after handling” (Solstice).

Pilsenite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Supplement Z 223).

Plagioclase – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Feldspar…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Plattnerite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Supplement Z 225).

Pollucite – “The slight content of Cesium in this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir” (Supplement A 195).

Polysphaerite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Supplement Z 227).

Prehnite – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).

Proustite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 494).

Psilomelane – “Poisonous (barium)” (Jentoft). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains barium” (Harton). “Do not use for internal use. Contains barium” (Sullivan). “Contains poisonous/toxic barium” (Healing Crystals).

Pumice – Due to the soft nature of this stone, an elixir should only be prepared using the indirect method.

Purpurite – “Sensitive to water or washing solutions” (Gienger 13).

Pyrite – “Poisonous (sulfur)” (Jentoft). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains sulphur” (Harton). “Do not use…for internal use. Contains sulfur” (Sullivan). “Never let it come into contact with water!” (Peschek-Böhmer 231). “Sensitive to water or washing solutions” (Gienger 13). “May contain intermixed Marcasite. The Marcasite with time and exposure to oxygen, may form a white powdery substance/residue which is poisonous/toxic sulfuric acid. If this occurs you should not wear next to the skin or touch. Not recommended for elixirs” (Healing Crystals). “treat with care – contains sulphur; when exposed to water or humid environments, Pyrite can oxidise and degrade to Marcasite, which may form crusts of white powder (Melanterite) & sulphuric acid; keep away from children & pets, avoid breathing in dust, avoid contact with water, wash hands after handling” (Solstice).

Pyromorphite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 499).

Pyrope – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Garnet…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).


Quantum Quattro Silica – “Contains poisonous/toxic copper” (Healing Crystals).

Quartz – “Toxic or harmful stone. Toxic dust for inhalation…so if you must use Quartz for an elixir etc., be sure to clean off any quartz dust” (Harton). I have never heard this mentioned anywhere else so I do not know if there is any truth to it. However, it is always a good idea to rinse your stones before using them to prepare an elixir. “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including Quartz…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Quartz, Riebeckite – “ASBESTOS INCLUSIONS – special mention – minerals such as…Riebeckite Quartz contain asbestos within their crystalline structure, but in their polished form are considered very unlikely to pose any kind of risk; however, raw specimens of asbestos-bearing minerals should be treated with extra care; keep raw specimens away from children & pets, avoid breathing in dust, handle infrequently & wash hands after handling” (Solstice).


Realgar – “Poisonous (sulfur and arsenic. Keep away from children!)” (Jentoft). This mineral should not be used in any elixir. “Never use” (Lilly 34). “Poisonous and should not be used in crystal healing (Arsenic Sulfide) (Lilly 97). “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains sulfur and arsenic” (Harton). “Do not use…for internal use. Contains sulfur and arsenic” (Sullivan). “HIGHLY TOXIC levels of arsenic. Wash hands after use, keep away from children! Do not put hands near eyes or mouth before washing hands” (Healing Crystals). “treat with extra care – contains arsenic; readily photo-decomposes to highly toxic powdery Pararealgar, keep out of light, keep away from children & pets, avoid breathing in dust, avoid contact with water, handle infrequently & wash hands after handling” (Solstice).

Record Stone – “Due to the possible solubility of the attendant minerals, do not prepare an elixir via the normal method” (Supplement Z 287).

Rhodizite – “The slight possible content of Cesium in this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir” (Supplement A 245).

Rhodochrosite – “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains lead” (Harton).

Rhodolite – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Garnet…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Riebeckite – “ASBESTOS INCLUSIONS – special mention – minerals such as…Riebeckite Quartz contain asbestos within their crystalline structure, but in their polished form are considered very unlikely to pose any kind of risk; however, raw specimens of asbestos-bearing minerals should be treated with extra care; keep raw specimens away from children & pets, avoid breathing in dust, handle infrequently & wash hands after handling” (Solstice).

Ruby – “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum” (Harton). “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).


Sal Ammoniac – “Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method” (Supplement Z 271).

Saléeite – “The content of Uranium in this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir” (Supplement A 253).

Sandstone – Due to the soft nature of this stone, an elixir should only be prepared using the indirect method.

Sanidine – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Feldspar…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Sapphire – “Toxic or harmful stones. Contains aluminum” (Harton). “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).

Scapolite – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).

Schorl (Black Tourmaline) – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).

Schröeckingerite – “Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method” (Supplement Z 275).

Seamanite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 594).

Selenite – “Selenite dissolves when wet” (The Crystal Bible 260). This stone should only be made into an elixir via the alternative method. “It is extremely sensitive to water and humidity – it will bend even in the hand and may slide apart into many thin sheaves if it is put into water” (Lilly 228). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. Selenite is a crystal “not to cleanse in water or saltwater.” This stone is “either water-soluble or the physical properties are affected by the water” (Lambert 149 & 150). “Don’t use…water-soluble” (O’Donoghue 56). “Water soluble. Avoid contact with water” (Simpson 55). “Unfit for internal ingestion – tiny shards may break off in water” (Healing Crystals).

Serpentine – “Fibrous forms are asbestos. Wash hands after use. Not recommended in elixir preparation” (Healing Crystals). “ASBESTOS INCLUSIONS – special mention – minerals such as Serpentine…contain asbestos within their crystalline structure, but in their polished form are considered very unlikely to pose any kind of risk; however, raw specimens of asbestos-bearing minerals should be treated with extra care; keep raw specimens away from children & pets, avoid breathing in dust, handle infrequently & wash hands after handling” (Solstice).

Slaty Shale – “Due to the possible solubility of the attendant minerals, do not prepare an elixir via the normal method” (Supplement Z 287).

Smithsonite – “Poisonous (zinc, may also contain copper)” (Jentoft). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains Zinc. May contain copper” (Harton). “Do not use…for internal use. Contains zinc and copper” (Sullivan). “Contains zinc and may contain copper (green smithsonite). Safe for handling but may be poisonous/toxic when used in elixirs” (Healing Crystals).

Sodalite – “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum” (Harton). “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).

Spessartine – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Garnet…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Spinel – “Toxic or harmful stone. May contain aluminum and zinc” (Harton). “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).

Spodumene Group (Hiddenite, Kunzite, Spodumene) – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum. “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).

Staurolite – “Contains aluminum and iron” (Healing Crystals).

Stibnite – “Has lead and antimony” (Jentoft). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Never Use” (Lilly 34). “It is potentially poisonous (Antimony Sulfide)” (Lilly 65). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains lead and antimony” (Harton). “Do not use…for internal use. Contains lead” (Sullivan). “Wash your hands thoroughly after handling Stibnite as it is toxic” (The Crystal Bible 2 208). “As Stibnite is toxic, wash hands thoroughly after use and make the gem essence by the indirect method” (The Crystal Bible 2 330). “Contains lead and antimony. Not recommended for elixirs” (Healing Crystals). “treat with care – contains antimony; keep away from children & pets, avoid breathing in dust, avoid contact with water, wash hands after handling” (Solstice).

Stilbite – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).

Sugilite – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).

Sulfur – “Do not soak this stone in water, as the mineral will dissolve” (Stein 211). Toxic or harmful stone. Contains sulfur” (Harton). “Caution: No elixir” (Complete Guide to Crystal Chakra Healing 79). “Don’t use…water-soluble” (O’Donoghue 56). “Contains poisonous sulfur” (Healing Crystals).

Sunstone – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).

Svabite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 629).

Sylvanite – “Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method” (Supplement Z 297). “Due to the solubility of this mineral, do not prepare an elixir via the normal method” (Supplement Z 299).

Sylvite – “The solubility of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir” (Supplement A 279).


Tanzanite – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).

Tarnowitzite – “Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method” (Supplement Z 303).

Tellurium – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 638).

Tennanite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 639).

Tetrahedrite – “Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method” (Supplement Z 305).

Thenardite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 643).

Tiffany Stone – “Beryllium is toxic; use the stone in polished form and prepare the gem essence by the indirect method” (The Crystal Bible 2 338).

Tiger’s Eye – “Toxic or harmful stone” (Harton). “Chocolate colored…may have been irradiated” (Jentoft). “Fibrous form contains asbestos. Not recommended to use raw form for elixirs” (Healing Crystals). “ASBESTOS INCLUSIONS – special mention – minerals such as…Tiger’s Eye…contain asbestos within their crystalline structure, but in their polished form are considered very unlikely to pose any kind of risk; however, raw specimens of asbestos-bearing minerals should be treated with extra care; keep raw specimens away from children & pets, avoid breathing in dust, handle infrequently & wash hands after handling” (Solstice).

Tirolit – “The arsenide content of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir” (Supplement A 285).

Topaz – “Toxic or harmful stone” (Harton). “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).

Topaz, Mystic – “Make the essence by the indirect method” (The Crystal Bible 2 193).

Torbernite – “Radioactive” (Healing Crystals). “avoid completely – contains radioactive uranium; not suitable for collections” (Solstice).

Tourmaline – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum. “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum” (Harton). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Tourmaline & many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Tremolite – “Fibrous forms are asbestos. Not recommended for elixirs. Wash hands after use” (Healing Crystals).

Tsavorite – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Garnet…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).

Turquoise – “Turquoise is a crystal “not to cleanse in water or saltwater.” This stone is “either water-soluble or the physical properties are affected by the water” (Lambert 149 & 150). “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper” (Harton). “Do not soak. Avoid contact with water” (Simpson 55). “Porous and prone to cracking and fading – may be waxed to prevent this” (Simpson 61). “Contains poisonous/toxic copper and aluminum. Safe for handling but not for use in elixirs” (Healing Crystals).

Tyrolite – “The arsenide content of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir” (Supplement A 285).


Ulexite – “The rock will lose its luster when in contact with water” (Jentoft). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Ulexite is a soft mineral, sensitive to water and humidity” (Lilly 240). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Do not use…for internal use. Stone loses its luster in water. Contains asbestos” (Sullivan). “Should never be washed or held under water” (Gienger 13).| “Contains toxic boron” (Healing Crystals).

Ullmannite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 674).

Unakite – “Contains aluminum and may also contain zirconium (radioactive)” (Healing Crystals).

Uraninite – “Preparation of an elixir via the normal method is not recommended” (Supplement A 330).

Uranium – “Toxic or harmful stone. Radioactive mineral” (Harton). “Avoid because of radioactivity” (Jentoft).

Uranophane – “Radioactive” (The Crystal Bible 2 344). “A radioactive crystal” (New Crystals 129).

Uvarovite – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “SILICATES – special mention – while this mineral group (including…Garnet…& many others) is widely considered very safe & stable in crystalline or polished form, prolonged exposure to the inhalation of fine silicon dust particles may lead to silicosis; take appropriate safety measures if cutting or grinding material & avoid breathing in dust” (Solstice).


Vanadinite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 681). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Poisonous (lead)” (Jentoft). “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains lead” (Harton). “Do not use for internal use. Contains lead” (Sullivan). “Caution: No Elixir” (Complete Guide to Crystal Chakra Healing 67). “Contains poisonous vanadium” (Healing Crystals). “treat with care – contains lead & vanadium; keep away from children & pets, avoid breathing in dust, avoid contact with water, wash hands after handling” (Solstice).

Variscite – “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum” (Harton). “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).

Vesuvianite – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).

Villiaumite – “avoid completely – contains dangerous amounts of fluoride in a highly soluble form; extremely toxic to human health; not suitable for collections” (Solstice).

Violarite – “Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method” (Supplement Z 321)

Vivianite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 684).


Wad – “This mineral exhibits a softness, do not prepare an elixir of same via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 687).

Wavellite – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals).

Weeksite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 691).

Williamsite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method” (Love is in the Earth – Updated 694).

Witherite – “treat with extra care – contains barium; toxic if ingested; keep away from children & pets, avoid breathing in dust, avoid contact with water, handle infrequently & wash hands after handling” (Solstice).

Wulfenite – “Poisonous (lead and molybdenum)” (Jentoft). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains lead and molybdenum” (Harton). “Do not use…for internal use. Contains lead and molybdenum” (Sullivan). “Contains poisonous lead and molybdenum. Safe for handling but not for use in elixirs” (Healing Crystals). “treat with care – contains lead; keep away from children & pets, avoid breathing in dust, avoid contact with water, wash hands after handling” (Solstice).


ZEOLITE GROUP – “special mention – this mineral group includes many fibrous species (such as Okenite, Natrolite & Mesolite) and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of small particles; keep away from children & pets, avoid breathing in dust, avoid contact with water, wash hands after handling” (Solstice).

Zincite – “Poisonous (zinc, may also contain copper)” (Jentoft). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. Toxic or harmful stone. Contains Zinc. May contain copper” (Harton).

Zircon – “Contains traces of Uranium and Thorium [which emit] alpha particles” (Taylor 122). “Contains ziroconium, radioactive” (Healing Crystals)

Zoisite – “Contains aluminum” (Healing Crystals). “Flaky or powdery stones, or those that have cavities which could harbour micro-organisms, are not suitable for making essences” (Taylor 70).


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How to Create Crystal Elixirs Safely
Article Name
How to Create Crystal Elixirs Safely
Many people don’t realize that most stones are unsafe for using in the traditional way of elixir preparation (where crystals are plunked into some water and charged in sun or moonlight).
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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15 Responses

  1. this is a great reference of safe and toxic stones for elixirs. Thank you! What about if one was to use these in essential oils? Would the carrier oil take the toxicity into the skin and be harmful? Such as black tourmaline or sodalite? Interested to hear your thoughts.

    1. Hi Jackie! It absolutely could absorb the toxicity depending on the included elements. Ashley recommends making gem infused oil using the same method she’s outlined here, or by simply placing the crystals next to the bottle of oil (touching the glass, but not in the oil itself). 🙂 <3

      1. I have current essential oils sprays that are made with some of these crystals that you say is toxic above like selenite, moonstone, garnet for example. Is it also toxic if you use it as a spray and not an exlir or essence you ingest or put on your skin?

        1. This list is primarily for creating crystal essences or gem waters. So you wouldn’t want to create an essence and take it internally with any of the stones on this list. Some of these stones would be potentially safe for topical application, but you need to have a good understanding of the chemistry of the specific stone you’re working with and whether or not it’s safe to work with in that way. You may want to go to the manufacturer of your sprays or oils for more information about your exact blends.

        2. Hiya, if these elixirs have been made using indirect method (which you can check with the maker), they would be fine (both on your skin and internally depending on the preservative used; but that has more to do with whether the preservative is suitable for internal use).

          If it’s made with indirect water method, it is water (and added preservative) that has been vibrational imprinted and that is perfectly safe for uses internal and external, even if it’s on this list (it’s actually just the radioactive crystals you need to watch out for in this case).

          This list becomes more relevant when using direct method (ie soaking your crystals directly in water, which is where the toxicity becomes relevant as the minerals get into physical contact with the water, as opposed to just being a vibrational imprint).

          1. Hi Sarah, you are correct, we cover this extensively in the ACP course, but some of the crystals listed also shouldn’t be handled at all, not just for an elixir. <3

  2. So I just want to clarify that you could use the gems she has put on the list as long as they are contained as she showed and not directly in the water?

    I also want to say thank you for the list, I have been looking to try and find out which ones are good for water elixirs.

    I am also wondering if you have a list of gems/stones that work well with being put in warm candle wax.

    1. Hi! Thanks so much for reading 🙂 Yes…gems on this list can be used IF AND ONLY IF they do not make direct contact with the water. Radioactive stones should NEVER be used for ANY elixir regardless of how it is prepared. <3

      We don't have a list of stones that work well with warm candle wax... sorry! There are probably some good crystal candle-making resources out there somewhere that have more info about that <3 Crystal blessings!

  3. Hello, I was listening to your podcast on the crystal water bottles and in doing some research came across glass straws with ether rose quartz or amethyst in the center of them by Ayana wellness. What are your thoughts on these?

    1. These are great! Quartz based minerals are typically quite safe to use directly with water. 🙂 Crystal Blessings!

  4. Thank you so much for your quick response!! I really love the idea of the glass straws vs the bottles for compact purposes. Thank you so much for your input! I think I’ll order the set I saw ? $29.99 seems pretty reasonable to me!

    Blessed Be

  5. This is a really comprehensive guide and I appreciate it. I haven’t yet made an elixir and I’m glad to have this information before I do. Thanks for all the work you put into this article — it’s great.

  6. Thank Ashley you for making this available, I am glad to create and learn more of these gemstone’s energy of drinks water crystal. Elixer and more.

    1. You are so welcome Marilyn! And don’t forget we cover Crysal Elixirs in the Advanced Cystal Practitioner Course in depth if you haven’t made it to that lesson yet! <3 Crystal Blessings

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