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Can I Learn Crystal Healing Online? | Online Crystal Healing Certification vs. In-Person Training

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Once you’ve made the decision to pursue crystal healing certification, you may feel like you’ve opened the doors to a whole new set of questions & considerations regarding your options. Probably one of the most common questions I receive from prospective students is: Is it really possible to learn crystal healing online?

Can I Learn Crystal Healing Online?

A few times per year, the behind-the-scenes activities of the school build up to a frenzied pace as we prepare to welcome in a new round of students for our Crystal Healing Certification Program.

I absolutely love the excitement of this time and I start looking forward to connecting with new students…hearing their excitement about the program, answering their thoughtful questions, and learning from the stories and crystal experiences they share with our community.

And although many of our students enroll right when we open the doors to the program, we also receive lots of questions this time of year from folks who are excited and curious to learn crystal healing, but wonder if an online program is really the right fit for them. Maybe you’ve even wondered about this yourself. 

Can I learn crystal healing online?

With the popularity of crystal healing for personal well-being and healing arts businesses, plus the rise of online certification programs, many people wonder if virtual crystal training provides them with the same value and learning potential as an in-person classroom setting.

So…if you find yourself asking, “Can I really learn crystal healing online?” here are some things I’ve learned offering online classes and programs over the past 17 years…


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Online training offers benefits like:

  • Flexibility – You can take classes according to your schedule. You can choose when you work on your classes based on the best time of day or your weekly time commitment (and you can make changes if the need arises without getting behind).
  • Accessibility – Online classes are more accessible because they can be done from home so there’s no need to travel. Additionally, class materials are available in a wide variety of formats to suit different learning styles and may make them a better option for disabled students.
  • Convenience – Both the flexibility and accessibility of online classes create a level of convenience that’s unmatched compared to in-person classes and training. Online courses save you time and allow you to learn from the comfort of your own home.

Can I learn crystal healing online?

Even with these benefits, you may still be wondering if an online crystal healing certification is right for you. You may have doubts or fears about whether or not you’d have a positive experience in an online environment.

We’ve been offering online classes for nearly 20 years, so we know these fears can get in the way of going for something you really want!

Can I learn crystal healing online?

If you feel excited and passionate about crystals and you want to learn more, but you’re feeling uncertain because of something (or lots of somethings), let’s dive into the reasons why opting to learn crystal healing online might work better for you than you think.

“How will I stay organized and disciplined in my studies if I’m learning crystal healing online?”


Many students question whether or not they’ll stick with their online classes (or if they’ll even start at all!). Maybe you’ve signed up for something in the past and you haven’t seen it through, or you feel like you have a track record of not finishing what you started.

I’ve been there too.

Which means…I know exactly where you’re most likely to become stuck, and I have some tools to keep you motivated and moving forward with your studies!

Can I learn crystal healing online?

Create Success Through Balance:

Perhaps one of the biggest concerns new students face when it comes to online learning is personal accountability. It’s natural to wonder, “If I’m not showing up physically to a classroom, on a set schedule, will I be able to hold myself accountable for keeping up with classes and assignments?”

If you really need a little nudge to get back into the swing of things, we do have some built-in reminders and guidance to help you get back on track inside of the Crystal Healing Certification Program. We’ve even created a FREE “Online Learning Success Guide” for all of our new students that spotlights some of our best tips for 11 different key areas for succeeding with online classes.

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And while you may be worried about following through on your commitment to learn, online courses make this simpler in SO many ways! Showing up for class from the comfort of your own home without having to travel makes finding the time for learning much easier (plus…you can come to class in your pajamas – we call that a win! ?).

With our online crystal healing courses, you don’t have to worry about travel time, or keeping a standing commitment in your calendar – online crystal healing courses provide you with the flexibility and convenience to show up when it works best for you…which means you’ll be more excited to learn without feeling pressured.

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When you have the flexibility you need to succeed, combined with the structure of Love & Light’s award-winning classes, you get the best of both worlds. This balance creates an environment for optimal learning so you can get the most from the program curriculum. We want you to have an enjoyable and enriching experience. After nearly 20 years of listening to our students’ feedback, we know the balance of flexibility and structure that our courses provide is a huge contributing factor to their success.

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Can I learn crystal healing online?

Stay on Track with Our Simple Course Structure:

One of the most important questions you may have before signing up for any new educational program is about the course structure. HOW something is taught is just as crucial (if not more!) as WHAT is being taught. I’ve planned our Crystal Healing Certification and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Programs with a clear structure to keep you on track and feeling ready to take the next steps in your learning journey.

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We have continuously refined the flow of our program lessons over the years to create a clearly structured curriculum that builds your knowledge and experience as you go. Starting with a foundation of how and why crystals work, we build upon that groundwork by integrating information from previous lessons, while advancing your knowledge with specific skills and tools in each new class.

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Designed with our students in mind, our online course portal is clear and easy to navigate. Our course materials are easy to locate and use. Plus, you can see your lesson progress and your position in the overall course map so you know exactly what to expect each step of the way.


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Tools for Your Unique Learning Style:

In addition to keeping you top of mind when we designed our straightforward course structure, we were also thinking of you when we developed our course materials. From videos to workbooks, audio files to slideshows, and bonus guides and charts, we know that providing course materials in lots of different formats for different styles of learning is key to student success! If you find yourself feeling the urge to snooze through a lecture, mix it up and try something new! Whether you prefer to watch, read, listen, or engage with hands-on activities, we’ve got you covered.

Can I learn crystal healing online?

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Stay Committed by Getting Personal:

We know it can be challenging to do things on your own (grocery shopping is way more fun with a buddy, am I right?), and although your coursework will be done independently, there are LOTS of great opportunities for connection within our Programs. Joining our student community, participating in our lesson forums, and coming to our live office hour calls and Q&A nights is a great way to stay connected with your classmates, get help from us with your lessons, and (most importantly) get a motivational boost to help you keep your commitment to your coursework! Engaging with others is not only fun, it helps you stay accountable. So if you’re worried about following through on that next lesson or studying for your upcoming quiz, take a few minutes for some meaningful personal connection in one of our supportive community spaces – you’ll get back on track in no time!

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Feel Supported with Our Crystal Immersion Method :

Can I learn crystal healing online?

I’ve designed my Crystal Immersion Method ™ of teaching to help you work through the course materials in a clear, comprehensive, and structured way. The Crystal Immersion Method ™ helps you deepen your crystal knowledge and spiritual development through 3 key pillars of training: Intuition, Compassion, and Confidence.

Crystal Immersion Method

Throughout our classes and programs, these 3 pillars are a central focus, helping to set you up for success in your learning journey AND in your crystal healing practice. At critical points in the program, we’ve highlighted these pillars to keep you engaged with what you are learning and help you overcome personal obstacles that might otherwise keep you from engaging with your classes. We have identified the places where students most frequently face these challenges (from distractions to limiting beliefs and more), and we have some special motivational tools, rooted in these pillars to help keep you on track.

Crystal Immersion Method training tools

Crystal Immersion Method training tools

Final Thoughts on Learning Crystal Healing Online:

Deciding whether or not to join any online training is a big decision, and there are a lot of things to consider without having the additional worry of whether or not you’ll stick with the program and succeed. That’s why we’ve addressed the most common roadblocks that students face in online programs with our structured course delivery, flexible and convenient classes with lesson materials that suit diverse learning styles, cultivation of a supportive online community, and tons of tools and support to keep you on the path to success.

It would be an honor to provide your Crystal Healing Certification training.

Can I learn crystal healing online?

If you’d like to:

  • Learn more about how Love & Light’s CCH & ACP Programs work
  • Review a Program Syllabus
  • Experience a FREE Sample Class
  • And Receive information about Exclusive Program Discounts

Then we’d like to invite you to get on the Program Waitlist here.

We look forward to seeing you in class!

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