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Healing Crystals for Dreams & Astral Travel

Healing Crystals for DreamsDo you ever wonder what your dreams mean or what kinds of messages might be hidden in them? Did you know that you can do healing work while you’re in the dream state? It’s true! Using only two crystals (or more if desired), you can better remember your dreams, understand what your dreams mean, connect with guides, and more. Here’s how!

A powerful method of utilizing crystals for guidance is through dream healing. When you are dreaming, you are able to receive intuitive guidance from your higher self. You may also experience connections with higher beings or guides. When you become able to remember your dreams and interpret them, astounding messages can be discovered and allow for the process of healing the inner self to begin.

To begin the dream healing process, obtain a piece of Red Jasper and a piece of Amethyst. Each of these should only be used for dream work. These crystals should be cleansed and purified, charged, and programmed before use. Once the crystals have been cleansed and programmed, you should place the Red Jasper beneath your pillow. Red Jasper is known to stimulate the dream consciousness in order to bring forth dreams of deep meaning. It also keeps the dreamer’s astral body connected to the earth during intense astral travel. Amethyst is often used to stimulate intuitive guidance. It will help in the interpretation of your dreams. It will be used later in the process.

You should place a notebook and a pen or pencil next to your bed before lying down to go to sleep. Then, you should focus your attention on intending to dream and to remember the dream. You should also focus your attention on intending to properly interpret dream symbols and messages for the highest good of your being.

Upon awakening, you should lie still and attempt to remember as many of the details as possible from your dream(s).

When comfortable with moving, you should hold the Amethyst crystal in your receiving hand and write down the dream experience as precisely as possible. You may even wish to draw sketches. I find that some things from dreams can be difficult to convey with words alone. Then, at a later time, you should review the journal entry. Attempt to decipher any symbols, people, places, or experiences that occurred while in the dream consciousness.

Healing Crystals for DreamsIt is important to keep very good records in the dream journal. These are some of the greatest clues you have to determining what is best for your higher self. You can often gain insights to healing through these clues so you should be meticulous in your record keeping. Also, although you will sometimes immediately understand how a dream symbol should be interpreted, many dream symbols are just pieces of a greater puzzle. You may need to link together several entries to fully understand the messages behind your dream(s).

Other crystals that are useful in dream healing include:

Herkimer Diamond, Moonstone, Celestite, and Moldavite. These stones can be used under the pillow, or in grid formations within your bed or bedroom.

Herkimer Diamonds can help you to fully tap into your astral body and to have control over it while in your dream consciousness. They help to facilitate the dream journey and are invaluable for this type of work.

Moonstone is beneficial for those attempting lucid dreaming, or a state in which the conscious awareness is present during astral travel. This state of dreaming can be beneficial because it allows you to direct a dream in order to receive guidance according to your desired agenda.

Celestite facilitates communication between your consciousness and those of higher spiritual beings. Using this stone for dream healing can help you in receiving insights and guidance from those in the astral plane.

Finally, Moldavite can assist you in dream journeying. This stone will take you where few others can. With this crystal, the ride may be fast and bumpy (always with good reason), so hold on tight! When using this stone for dream work, it is imperative to also utilize a grounding stone such as Hematite or Red Jasper so that it is not difficult for the dream consciousness to return to the body and resume being your waking conscious awareness.

If using these stones in grid formations, you should be creative.

Stones can be placed in the corners of the room, in each of the four directions, one each to represent the twelve houses of the zodiac, in a circle around your bed, or in any other formation one so chooses. Following is a crystal array to facilitate the dream state and to help you to remember your dreams, as well as to facilitate intuitive interpretation of the dream symbols. The stones utilized in this grid include:

  • RED JASPER (Under Pillow, Beneath Third Eye Chakra)
  • MOLDAVITE (Under Sheet, Beneath Heart Chakra)
  • CELESTITE (One at Each Corner of Bed)
  • HERKIMER DIAMOND (One at Crown Chakra (Under Pillow) & One at Solar Plexus Chakra (Under Sheet)

Healing Crystals for Dreams

When you’re just starting out with crystal healing, the wealth of information out there can make it tricky to know where to start. That’s why, my Beginner’s Course Bundle contains all the crystal fundamentals you need to know.


Beginners Course Bundle


Bundling three of my best-selling courses into one for a discounted price, my Beginners Course Bundle is designed to provide you with the essential knowledge and skills to dive into the world of crystal healing – from understanding the energetic properties of crystals to practical applications and techniques, you’ll gain a well-rounded education that will empower you to confidently work with crystals. 

What’s Included in the Beginners Course Bundle:

  1. Introduction to Crystal Healing Course: Embark on a Transformative Crystal Journey (value $299)


Introduction to Crystal Healing Course


  1. Your Crystal Clear Year Course: Craft a Daily Crystal Practice (value $149)


Crystal clear year Course


  1. Crystal Rituals for Personal Empowerment Course: Unlock Your Inner Potential (value $99)


Crystal Rituals for Personal Empowerment Course

Total Bundle Value: $547

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Enroll in my Beginner’s Course Bundle and enjoy a discounted price, making it even more accessible for you to embark on your crystal healing journey. Start today and unlock the magic, wisdom, and healing power of crystals in your life!

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Healing Crystals for Dreams & Astral Travel
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Healing Crystals for Dreams & Astral Travel
A powerful method of utilizing crystals for guidance is through dream healing. The following are my favourite healing crystals for dreams...
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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