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Love & Light Blog

We all struggle to stay positive from time to time, and once you start heading down the pessimistic path, it can be a real challenge trying to reroute your mind

Do you get a little panicky feeling inside when you start thinking about holiday shopping? Worry and panic are not uncommon feelings when it comes to funding a holiday shopping

Routine cleansing of your healing crystals is a sure-fire way to keep them happy, healthy, and ready to go when it comes time to work with them. You may already

Record-Keeper crystals are quite desirable because of their unique attributes and abilities. The moment you locate that little triangle on the face of a crystal, you know that it’s even

Having a successful career as a healer is totally within your reach, but there are a few key things you must keep in mind while you’re make the transition and

When it comes to intuition, it can be all too easy to trust your own thoughts and instincts. Where does this self-doubt come from you may ask, and more importantly-

It’s natural for us to think about our ancestors, to be curious about the parade of family members that walked before us. What were they like? Did they share or

Have you ever wondered where birthstones originated? Are birthstones and zodiac stones the same thing? Who decided which stone should be attributed to a certain month? While birthstones and zodiac

Whether you see it coming or not, losing a job is for most, a very traumatic and painful event. A blend of mixed emotions like anger, fear, sadness, and worry

While Elestial Smoky Quartz is quite beautiful to look at, it has much more to offer than just its dazzling appearance. It happens to be an excellent traveling companion for

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Become a Certified Crystal Healer!

Limited-time Enrollment NOW OPEN!

Limited-time Enrollment NOW OPEN!

  • Gain expert knowledge & mentorship
  • Grow your healing confidence
  • Connect with a community of crystal lovers

Gain expert knowledge, grow your confidence, and connect with a supportive community of crystal lovers.

But hurry – enrollment is only open for a limited time!

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Ready to go from Crystal Lover to Certified Crystal Healer?

Enrollment Open Soon! Get on the Waitlist Now

Our Certified Crystal Healer (CCH) & Advanced Crystal Practitioner (ACP) Programs Open for LIMITED-TIME ENROLLMENT Soon!

Ready to turn your love for crystals into something truly magical?

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Ready to Reconnect with Yourself?

When life pulls you away from your inner wisdom, it’s time to come home to yourself.

Sign up for my free Discover Your Soul Purpose Class and:

  • Take the first step toward a more aligned and meaningful life.
  • Learn how crystals can guide and support you on your unique journey.
  • Reconnect with your passion and purpose!
  • Take the first step toward a more aligned and meaningful life.
  • Learn how crystals can guide and support you on your unique journey.
  • Reconnect with your passion and purpose!

Get My FREE Video Training Series!

How to Run a
Crystal Healing Session

Get the CONFIDENCE + SUPPORT you need to start healing yourself, friends & family (and even clients!) with my proven crystal healing session method.

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