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11 Best Crystals for Making Magic with the Moon

One simple way to connect with the energy of the moon is to work with a stone that’s connected with lunar energy.  Tap into celestial rhythms with my Top 11 Crystals for Making Magic with the Moon!


The moon, being our nearest celestial body, has such a deep impact on us. Connecting with its energy can help you live in alignment and flow with nature. One simple way to connect with the energy of the moon is to work with a stone that’s connected with lunar energy. Below are my 11 favorite crystals for making magic with the moon.


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Photo with title saying 11 Best Crystals for Making Magic with the Moon

11 Best Moon Crystals:

  • Selenite – Named for the ancient Greek Moon Goddess, Selene (who was called Luna in ancient Rome), this stone has long been connected with lunar energy.
  • Moonstone – Historically, in Vedic mythology, Moonstone was said to be “made of solidified moonbeams” and was said to have been embedded into the forehead of the god, Ganesh, who is connected with the Moon. The ancient Greeks and Romans also believed that this stone was formed from the light of the Moon. Any variety will do, but peach, rainbow, and black are a few of my favorites.
  • Clear Quartz – The bright light that shines through this stone is reminiscent of the reflection of the sun’s rays off of the moon’s surface in the night sky – a perfect crystal companion for any type of magical moon-workings.
  • Pearl – Though made by sea creatures and not through geologic processes, Pearls have long been connected with the Moon and are traditionally associated with Monday (“Moon’s Day”) as their special day of the week (if you don’t have a Pearl to work with, Mother of Pearl makes a great substitute). Pearl is also associated with the ancient Roman Moon goddess, Luna.
  • Lapis Lazuli – also known as the “Stone of Heaven” because it resembles the night sky with a field of stars.
  • Blue Kyanite – This one is purely a personal correspondence and not rooted in history, but the long, slender blades of Blue Kyanite have always reminded me of the sharp arrows carried by Diana or Artemis (ancient Roman and Greek Moon goddesses, respectively). I love working with this stone when looking for some meaning or guidance from Mama Moon.
  • Aquamarine – Agrippa wrote that Aquamarine is connected with the Moon, possibly due to its connection with the water element. The Moon is also often connected with Water, emotions, and intuition, so these make a great energetic pairing.
  • Photo of Ashley infront of moon altar holding up a crystalAmethyst – People have been using Amethyst to connect with intuition and psychic skills since the time of the ancient Romans. Since the Moon is also associated with intuition, it naturally pairs with Amethyst crystals for any type of psychic work.
  • Labradorite – Labradorite is a mystical stone that gets its brilliant flash from reflected light, similar to how the moon is illuminated by reflected light from the sun. The energy of Labradorite and the energy of the Moon are like kindred spirits. Work with them together to enhance any Moon rituals or lunar activities.
  • Silver – Silver is associated with the ancient Greek Moon goddess, Artemis. Agrippa wrote of the correspondence between Silver and the Moon all the way back in the 16th century!
  • Moon-Shaped Crystals – Though they can be made from almost any type of stone, choosing a moon-shaped crystal made from one of the stones listed above amplifies the lunar connection even further. When choosing a moon-shaped crystal, also be mindful of which phase the shape is in and what that represents (see below for correspondences). I personally think that crescent shapes are the most versatile because they can be waxing, or if flipped over, can be waning…AND you can choose if you want them to represent the light or dark portion of the moon, so they can be crescent or gibbous in nature (covering many of the moon phases with just 1 stone).

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To work with your chosen Moon crystal, try gazing at the moon while holding your chosen stone. Feel yourself connect with the Moon’s energy. Notice its phase, color, and size. See its detail – its areas of light and dark…its hills and valleys and craters.

Now close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths while holding your crystal to connect with the Moon’s energy. You may choose to hold your stone up above your head, toward the sky, to charge it with lunar energy and make the connection even stronger.


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To take this practice a bit further, you can begin to track the moon’s phases through the lunar cycle. Each phase of the moon has different qualities and connects with different crystals that share those energetic properties. I cover this in-depth in my book, Cosmic Crystals. You can begin tracking the moon phases and use your stones to tune into the energy of each phase by finding the natural rhythms of ebb and flow throughout the lunar month.


Full New Moon Lunar Calendar



Full & New Moons are particularly potent times for deep spiritual work. Tuning into their unique energies can be transformative for grounding yourself, strengthening your intuition, and so much more. That’s why I’ve created this FREE, printable Full & New Moon Lunar Calendar that shares all of the Full & New Moon dates for 2024, along with information about which Zodiac sign the moon is in.


Full & New Moon Lunar Calendar


You will also learn the special names for each monthly Full Moon, plus a bit about how you can work with these powerful lunar rhythms to enhance your spiritual practice!


Get Your Free Calendar Here Button


Crystal Moon Phase Correspondences:

New Moon PhaseNew Moon – adventure, anticipation, blessings, new beginnings, opportunities, surprises, wishes, & positive changes

  • Rhodonite
  • Golden Tiger’s Eye
  • Rainbow Moonstone
  • Black Moonstone


Waxing Crescent Moon PhaseWaxing Crescent Moon – action, expansion, growth, knowledge, manifesting, power, progress, & wisdom

  • Green Aventurine
  • Green Nephrite Jade
  • Strawberry Moonstone
  • Turquoise


First Quarter Moon PhaseFirst Quarter Moon – bravery, communication, life challenges, love, overcoming obstacles, relationships, romance, wellness

  • Angelite
  • Carnelian
  • Rose Quartz
  • White Moonstone


Waxing Gibbous Moon PhaseWaxing Gibbous Moon – acceptance, celebration, decision-making, discernment, jubilation, relaxation, surrender, tranquility

  • Blue Lace Agate
  • Citrine
  • Coffee Moonstone
  • Snowflake Obsidian


Full Moon PhaseFull Moon – achievement, completion, dreams, emotions, flow, fulfillment, intuition, manifestation, power, protection, wholeness

  • Amethyst
  • Labradorite
  • Rainbow Moonstone
  • White Moonstone


Waning Gibbous Moon PhaseWaning Gibbous Moon – boundaries, destiny, detachment, letting go, receiving, reflection, release, rumination

  • Adularia
  • Aquamarine
  • Black Obsidian
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Sunfire Moonstone


Last Quarter Moon PhaseLast Quarter Moon – compassion, empathy, epiphany, independence, oneness, self-discovery, solitude, strength

  • Clear Quartz
  • Peach Moonstone
  • Pyrite
  • Rhodochrosite


Waning Crescent Moon PhaseWaning Crescent Moon – balanced emotions, emotional release, relaxation, rest, retreat, self-expression, solitude, stillness

  • Apricot Botswana Agate
  • Black Moonstone
  • Blue Calcite
  • Tangerine Moonstone


Dark Moon PhaseDark Moon – authenticity, healing, magic, mystery, reflection, revelation, shadow work, solitude, stillness, wisdom

  • Black Tourmaline
  • Shungite
  • Black Melanite Garnet
  • Howlite


With 8 major lunar phases (or 9 if you count the Dark Moon phase), this means you’ll be working with a new stone every 2.5-3.5 days. There are many helpful websites and apps to help you find out which phase the moon is in, and you can choose a crystal that corresponds to the specific energy of each phase and sit beneath the moon while holding your stone and taking a moment to reflect on the energy of that moment in the lunar cycle – becoming aware of that specific magical moment in time. It’s quite an exciting practice and one I hope you’ll enjoy as much as I have!

Learn More About Crystals for Lunar Energy:


Aligning yourself with the lunar cycles can be a powerful way to deepen your intuition and access profound inner guidance. Learn more about tuning into celestial rhythms with crystal energy in my Moon Magic Course Bundle


Moon Magic Course Bundle


Courses included in the bundle are:

1. Celestial Crystals Course (value $199):

Discover how to use crystals to connect with the phases of the moon and find your flow in alignment with the natural rhythms of the universe. 


Celestial Crystals Course recources

Crystals for the Fairy Moon Course ($49):

Uncover the legends and lore surrounding the mystical fairy moon and learn how crystals can deepen your healing work during this magical time of amplified lunar energy. 

Crystals for the Fairy Moon Course resources

Full Moon Meditation for Intuition ($5.55):

Tap into the profound energy of the full moon and deepen your connection with your intuition by aligning yourself with the full moon’s energy in this guided meditation. 


Full Moon Mediation for Intuition Course resources


Total Value: $253.55

Your price: $215.51 (save 15%!)


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Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!

11 Best Crystals for Making Magic with the Moon
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11 Best Crystals for Making Magic with the Moon
The moon, being our nearest celestial body, has such a deep impact on us. Connecting with its energy can help you live in alignment and flow with nature.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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2 Responses

  1. Great podcast .. I always learn something new. Have been listening for years. Have taken some classes. Love it all. Thank you.

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