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Lapis Lazuli: Stone of Heaven

Lapis Lazuli Stone of HeavenOften referred to as the “Stone of Heaven,” Lapis Lazuli is a stone that truly lives up to its nickname. Used most commonly at the 5th and 6th Chakras, this stunning blue stone has a long list of beneficial properties that make it a must-have in your crystal collection or crystal healing toolbox. Whether you work with it to further develop psychic awareness or use it to enhance communication, Lapis Lazuli is a crystal you really ought to become more familiar with!

UPDATE: This article previously used the term “totem animals” to describe animal archetypes that may hold meaning for someone. Using this term is culturally appropriative (as this is a term rooted in Indigenous spiritual practice) in the context it was previously used, especially shared by the author here (who is white). This article has been updated to reflect this change.

Lapis Lazuli is a rock composed of Lazurite with Calcite and traces of Pyrite. The combination of these three minerals makes for a very unique energetic vibration.

Lapis can be used quite effectively at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) or at the 6th Chakra (Third Eye/Brow Chakra) by simply placing the stone on either Chakra for approximately ten minutes, allowing the stone’s energy to be absorbed into the Chakra center.

Lapis is commonly used by modern healing practitioners for facilitating spiritual enlightenment, to aid in dreaming practices, for encouraging psychic power and intuition, to stimulate spiritual and shamanic journeying and astral travel, to remove stress, to bring peace and calming, for protection, to communicate with spirit guides such as animal archetypes and angels, to connect a person with his or her ancestors or for connection with ancient cultures, to banish negative energy, to aid in speaking one’s truth, to bring balance to mind, body, and spirit, to dispel depression, to encourage virtuous behavior, to stimulate compassion, to increase creativity, to remove headache pain, to regulate and balance the thyroid gland, to relieve insomnia, and to boost the immune system.

The name Lapis Lazuli is derived from the words for “Stone of Heaven” or for “Sky Stone.”

It is easy to see the resemblance to the star-filled sky with its deep indigo body flecked with shining gold. Lapis lazuli stones were revered by the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians for their deep indigo color. In fact, the stone’s color revolutionized the art world. It was ground into a fine powder and processed to create the pigment ultramarine, which could be mixed into various types of paints. This same powder was used as a cosmetic eyeshadow in ancient Egypt (by women, including Cleopatra).

There is also a lower grade variety of Lapis (with a higher Calcite content) that is often referred to as Denim Lapis. This stone can also be used effectively at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) or at the 6th Chakra (Third Eye/Brow Chakra) in the same manner as was described above.

Modern crystal healing therapists often use this stone to:

  • Allow for clear and open communication with beings from the angelic realm
  • Help a person to find his or her own unique voice
  • Enhance clairvoyance
  • Encourage psychic insight and intuition
  • Aid in difficult decision-making
  • Aid a person in learning from his or her spiritual experiences

Although the Denim variety of Lapis is seen as being of lower quality from an economic point of view, it is nonetheless a very effective healing stone.

The staff at my new age shop, Mimosa Books & Gifts, had this to share:

As an Astrological stone: Lapis Lazuli is the astrological stone for Saggitarius, November 22 – December 21


Lapis is a mineral with a history. “Lazuli” is derived from the name of the ancient Persian mine where it was once mined. Thanks to its deep blue color, it has been used for at least 5000 years in jewelry, pigment, boxes, Egyptian scarabs and other carvings, and many other ornamental uses. Cleopatra even ground it up and used it as eye shadow! Throughout time, people have associated lapis with connections to other worlds. In one ancient Babylonian myth, the goddess Ishtar decks herself out from head to toe in lapis lazuli to prepare for passage into the Underworld. It was believed that blue gemstones could house gods.

Metaphysical uses:

Though not many go as far as Ishtar, Sagittarians love travel, learning and adventure. Lapis helps with the spiritual aspect of this adventurous spirit. With its abundant history, it’s no surprise that lapis has acquired many spiritual associations. Buddhists associate it with calm and peace, and frequently carve small lapis Buddhas. Christians have used it for centuries to repel the evil eye. Because of the connection to other worlds, it often decorates items associated with burial. Medicinal uses range from curing snakebite to boosting thyroid function and aiding sleep. It’s also excellent for combating depression, a condition which Saggitarius is prone to.

(Safety note: since lapis contain pyrite, please do not use it to make elixirs. In fact, water can damage it, so best to keep it away from water altogether.)

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Lapis Lazuli: Stone of Heaven
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Lapis Lazuli: Stone of Heaven
Lapis Lazuli is a rock composed of Lazurite, Calcite and Pyrite. The combination of these three minerals makes for a very unique energetic vibration.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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