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A Crystal Journey with Christa Faye Burka & Melody in Vancouver

Crystal journey with Christa Faye BurkaNo words can properly convey the excitement I felt on my trip to Vancouver where I completed my training with world renowned crystal expert, Melody (author of “Love is in the Earth A Kaleidoscope of Crystals”) – but imagine how thrilled I was to meet another crystal expert and author of several books…Christa Faye Burka! Here is my story about this remarkable and unforgettable experience!

My trip to Vancouver to finish my Love-is-in-the-Earth Instructor training was a life-changing experience. It was even more life-changing than when I first discovered Melody’s “Love is in the Earth A Kaleidoscope of Crystals” book over 10 years ago, and also more so than taking these workshops in 2007 and again in 2012.

I can’t quite explain why, but I think many of you will understand what I mean when I say that sometimes when you are around crystals, and when you are truly following your bliss, the magic just happens!

I had such profoundly amazing realizations while going through my training. Realizations about myself, about healing, and about “All That Is”. However, I need some more time to digest that before I can dive into writing about it.

In the mean time, I want to tell you about my time with Christa Faye Burka. Christa is the author of several books, including “Clearing Crystal Consciousness”. Some of you may have watched last week’s video post on YouTube where I explained that I would hopefully be meeting with a Mystery Guest. I didn’t want to spoil the surprise in case things didn’t work out, but Christa and I were able to make our schedules jive enough to have some time together. This was made possible by some of the most fantastic women I know. You know who you are!

So, off I went with this great group of like-minded women on a drive through B.C. up to Christa’s neck of the woods.

We had a nice drive (except for a little traffic in the city) and ended up at Christa’s place. She greeted us at the door and invited us into one of the most beautiful homes I have ever seen. I’m not sure if it was just all of the sparkling gems around us, or if there was something more, but it was an amazing space to be in.

Christa greeted us with hugs and began to show us around. She had so many gorgeous crystals and was telling us about her experiences with them and their history. It was like being in a private museum or a crystalline art gallery. Simply amazing!

We sat down for tea and cookies and Christa told us more about her journey. I wish I had a better memory and could relay the conversation better. It was so fluid and organic, like speaking with an old friend. All I can do is try my best to capture the information and details to the best of my memory.

Christa told us about her journey with crystal and how it had really started in Hawaii many years ago in 1984…

She was in a special group on the Big Island with many of the original 22 Reiki Masters initiated by Takata. This group included her Reiki Master, Bethel Phaigh. She had learned about Reiki from Bethal and felt called to be trained as a Reiki Master. However, one of these Reiki Masters gave Christa a message that she was not to become a Reiki Master. Instead, she would be doing work with healing, energy, transformation and crystals.

She was also requested by her guidance to leave the group and return to her rental home on Maui and write a book on quartz crystals that would go out all over the world. At this time, Christa did not have any knowledge or experience with crystals. She could not understand how she would write a book, particularly a book about something that she knew nothing about. Nevertheless, she returned to her house on Maui. The very next day, a box arrived in the post from a previous client. She opened the box to find it full of sparkling Arkansas Quartz crystals. These crystals had come from her client’s recent trip to the Ron Coleman Quartz mines near Mt. Ida. It also contained a very special large clear Quartz sphere that her client had been guided to send to her.

Christa began to receive messages from her guidance about where to place the crystals in her home.

She was asked to do a special meditation with the Quartz sphere. She was told to gaze into it without removing her gaze from the stone for three hours per day, for a total of three weeks. This seemed to be quite a challenge, but Christa was up for it! She was told during this meditation not to control the focus of her eyes. Instead, she had to allow her eyes to self focus where they naturally moved. It seemed that during this time, Christa’s energy system was being prepared to receive the information and energy for her unique work with LifeCrystal® and to write her first book, “Clearing Crystal Consciousness”.

Christa told me that writing this book was one of the most amazing experiences of her life. She was given the information in a fluid, coherent, and dynamic way. Christa explained to us that the way in which crystal works with energy on a universal level is the same way that it works in our own bodies and that this influence of crystal on energy occurs continuously in our life and in our bodies without our awareness.

Christa began her work with the LifeCrystals® in Hawaii.

Life Crystals, as she puts it, are the crystals that perfectly match the energetic vibration of an individual. These crystals match a person’s soul vibration. They help to amplify everything about that person on all levels. They are powerful tools for personal healing and the transformation of human consciousness. Additionally, they are a bridge linking the physical (form) and spiritual (formless) dimensions of an individual. They can be used in many creative, intuitive ways to support the evolution of a person. Primarily, they are a tool of consciousness for meditation and the transmutation of the human energy system.

Christa was told that Arkansas Quartz is the primary source of the LifeCrystals® because of its purity and energetic qualities. The way in which Arkansas Quartz was created gives it a unique stable energetic vibration. Arkansas quartz formed approximately 250 million years ago and is absolutely pure. It contains the vibration of what was once an ancient salt-water ocean that covered the central area of the U.S. and Canada approximately 600 million years ago (the vibration that existed very early on in the earth’s formation). She also thinks that Arkansas Quartz has a more grounded quality than Brazilian Quartz crystal. It is capable of supporting an individual to ground their spiritual vibration directly into their body.

Christa began to teach others what she understood about crystals and human consciousness.

About 10 years ago, she met a scientist who verified many of the things that Christa understood and taught in her books and in her work with the LifeCrystals®.

Christa’s second book, “Pearls of Consciousness” explains the steps that everyone experiences as they go through the transformational process to awaken spiritually. Think of it as a roadmap to connect with your soul.

Christa’s third book is, “The Life Crystal” and it is only available to her client’s that work with her to go through the process of obtaining their unique LifeCrystal® (as described above). The process involves personal journey and exploration work, an energy transmission and the giving of the crystal itself.

On June 21, 2010, Christa made a very important trip to Lake Tornetrask in Sweden. She was given a message from her guidance in the 1990’s that she would bring the large sphere (from her work in Hawaii) to the Land of the Midnight Sun on June 21, 2010. So, she took a boat out into the middle of the lake (which feeds into many of the world’s oceans). Here, she placed her very large Quartz sphere right into the center of the lake. She, and the group of 12 people who had joined her for this journey, looked on in amazement. They could all see and feel the presence of an innumerable group of Universal beings surround the lake, being witness to what was happening. This experience brought everyone present the direct experience that we are all here to serve a higher purpose.

She is still unable to put into words the purpose of this trip and may never understand it but she knows it to be of great importance.

Crystal journey with Christa Faye BurkaWhile touring Christa’s home, she showed us many amazing things. One of my favorite sights was a HUGE pair of Amethyst pieces. They were unlike any cathedrals I had ever seen. Christa described the first time she saw these pieces. She saw Moses standing behind them and it was revealed to her that these stones held the energy of the lost tablets so often spoken of in relation to Moses. She has experienced them as gates (which will open to certain people in order to transmit special energy to them). Christa feels that these pieces support the awakening of human consciousness (as all crystals do).

Christa also showed us some amazing pieces of Polar Jade (sister pieces to the large slabs that are in the Smithsonian).

She told us about the Polar Jade Buddha for Universal Peace that is travelling the world bringing its energy wherever it goes. Its permanent home is in a Stupa in Australia. Christa explained that Jade is a stone of peace and is also called the stone of heaven. She told us that the Chinese Emperors used to have Jade cut into precise donut shapes often seen today. It was said that if you looked through the hole, you could see heaven. Jade was also put into the mouths of the dead in order to preserve the body. Christa gave the example of a Chinese Princess who had been buried in a Jade-armored suit and her body was preserved a long time.

Christa also had many beautiful self-healed crystals. She explained that some crystals have the ability to complete themselves by growing termination points after they break away from the mother vein. This is in the same way that our body knows how to heal itself when we cut ourselves. These crystals hold a remarkable intelligence, just as our bodies hold a remarkable intelligence that knows how to heal.

It was an amazing visit, for which I am very grateful. I hope I have done it justice here from memory and that you’ve enjoyed it through this story.


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  1. Amethyst Crystals from Around the World Course: Embark on a journey through twelve different types of Amethyst, dive into their rich history, explore their unique characteristics, and gain insights from my personal collection (Value $49)


Amethyst Crystals from Around the World Course


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Understanding Super Seven Course


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A Crystal Journey with Christa Faye Burka & Melody in Vancouver
Article Name
A Crystal Journey with Christa Faye Burka & Melody in Vancouver
My trip to Vancouver to finish my Love-is-in-the-Earth Instructor training was a life-changing experience. Sometimes, when I am around crystals, and when I am truly following my bliss, the magic just happens! My crystal journey with Christa Faye Burka was definitely one of those times.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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11 Responses

  1. Ashley,
    Thank you for sharing about your wonderful experience in meeting Christa. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about your magical adventure! Did Christa actually release her sphere into the lake-as in-it is now underwater there in the lake?

    1. Thanks for reading Sarah! As far as I know, Christa really did release her giant sphere into the lake. She is an amazing woman and seems to really listen to guidance from spirit. Blessings!

  2. I have looked all over for both Melody and Christa. Are they not teaching anymore? Is there other teacher programs out there?

  3. I just finished reading Clearing Crystal Consciousness, and I’m so grateful that you preserved this memory of Christa. I am a former student of yours, and now I feel inspired to return to my work with crystals with new fervor! Your experience is so powerful, I almost feel like I was there. What a blessing – thank you again.

    1. Hi Ginny, that’s so awesome! Thank you so much for your comment, we truly appreciate your feedback. <3 Crystal Blessings

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