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Healing Properties of Abalone Shell

(Also known as Abalone, as Rainbow Mother of Pearl, as Paua Shell, or as Ear Shell)

Healing Properties of Abalone Shell

Use to balance and harmonize your energies, to repair the aura, and to instill a sense of childlike wonder in adults. Abalone is not a stone, but the iridescent inner shell of a mollusk. Although not a gemstone, it makes beautiful jewelry and has metaphysical properties to benefit the wearer.  Since abalone stocks throughout the world are low, abalone used in jewelry and other crafts comes from farms.  What we call abalone is the inner shell of the animal, made of calcium carbonate fused with a special “glue” that the mollusk produces into a hard, shiny material. Much of the magic associated with crystals and shells has to do with their color.  Since abalone reflects a rainbow of colors, it is a natural substance for balancing energy in the aura.


Abalone Shell


Abalone is especially effective with matters of the heart, cleansing it and helping to process feelings of sorrow, fear, and other difficult emotions. Meditating with abalone helps to release outgrown beliefs and patterns that no longer serve your highest good.  Try gazing at the shell as you meditate, in order to focus your energy.  This can help you come up with creative ideas and inspiration, and express your highest truths with a feeling of security. Abalone has other properties as well, often connected with the “cool” aspect of its water element, it acts as an energetic vessel for the energy of the water element (also a physical vessel for water offerings). It is good for easing tension and diffusing anger.  It can help people communicate with each other in a calm and productive manner, without resorting to backbiting or using “digs” against each other.  Abalone is especially helpful in tense group situations.


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