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Do I Need to be Certified to be a Crystal Healer?

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Do I Need to be Certified to be a Crystal Healer? It’s natural to wonder this when you’re getting started with your stones; the answer might surprise you!

Do I Need to be Certified to be a Crystal Healer?

The answer is, no. I don’t think that you need to be certified to learn crystal healing. In fact, your own journey learning about crystals is more than valid. It’s so empowering, right? If you’re like me when I first started working with stones, this practice may just be all about your own personal growth and spiritual work, which is amazing. For a long time, I had no plans to do this work professionally. So if your crystal self-study is something that enriches your life and brings you joy, then it can absolutely be a rewarding path to take.

I encourage you to get out there and learn all you can from reading books, blog posts or articles online. Also, watching YouTube videos, and first and foremost, hands-on experiential practice with your crystals. So if you’re wondering “Do I need to be certified to be a crystal healer,” you most certainly don’t, and self-teaching is a perfectly reasonable pathway to enhancing your knowledge. However, I will say from my own personal experience, when I was working with my crystals by myself, I ran into a lot of hurdles and obstacles that sort of set me back on my path.


Do I need to be a crystal healer? InfographicShort answer is no, infographic. Do I Need to be Certified to be a Crystal Healer?

I found a lot of conflicting information. I didn’t have many people to turn to and ask questions and get support about things that I was experiencing when I was first working with my crystals. It was a huge hurdle for me. A big obstacle and I couldn’t figure it out on my own.


There's lots of ways to learn about crystals infographic. Do I Need to be Certified to be a Crystal Healer?These are all great ways to learn, but you may still want to consifer a certification. Do I Need to be Certified to be a Crystal Healer?


If you have reached a point in your independent studies where you’re craving:

  • Clarity to help you make sense of all the conflicting crystal information out there
  • Course structure to grow your knowledge & skillset in a more strategic way
  • Community & mentors to consult about the things you’re experiencing with your stones

Then you may be ready to take the next step in pursuing crystal healing certification, not even necessarily for the certificate itself, although we’ll get to that later, but just for your own personal fulfillment! 

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Having ongoing support from someone with years of experience can make all the difference, so you don’t have to do it alone.

With the millions of crystal resources out there, combined with the complex nature of certain mineral topics, clarity is probably the hardest thing to achieve in your self-studies. To help you feel truly confident, big topics must be tackled one step at a time. There’s something about my way of teaching I am really good at, and one of my gifts is taking complex subjects and breaking them down so that they’re really easy to understand. I hear this from my students all the time, and it’s something that I feel so passionate about.


Do I Need to be Certified to be a Crystal Healer?Do I Need to be Certified to be a Crystal Healer?


I have the ability to share all these ideas that I’ve learned in over 20 years of learning about crystals and I want to be able to share all of that knowledge with you in a structured way that makes sense.

Hand holding an amethyst pendulum.


There’s many pieces of the puzzle that you can miss or overlook or you aren’t exposed to in your self-teaching. I give a super comprehensive crystal education in my Crystal Healing Certification Program so that you don’t have to spend 15 or 20 years integrating all of that knowledge.


Different crystals laying on the floor.


Not to say that this is a quick solution to learning about crystals. Participation, dedication, and understanding of the work is required, as well as a commitment to building a relationship with your stones. However, my course is designed to give you more insight and strategic structure so that you learn foundational principles and build your skillset as you go. As you’re progressing, you’ll start to pick up on the connections between different concepts more quickly, building those smaller ideas into that big-picture understanding. This is one of the best parts of taking a structured program. 


Image of a hand holding a clear quartz crystal point

I teach both the science and the spirituality of crystals – the physical and the metaphysical – so that you feel confident in all aspects of your practice.

My CCH Programs focus on building your foundational knowledge first through understanding the science of crystals. From there, you’ll learn how and why they’re thought to work for healing, moving into the spiritual side of things. This is really important to have a blending of both of these perspectives, and when you’re learning something on your own, you don’t know what you don’t know, right?

You will learn so much useful information that you might not otherwise be exposed to, just because it isn’t out there in the mainstream. I cover practices that are really commonly done in crystal healing, the things that are less commonly done, why I like or dislike certain practices, or why some resonate better than others. But I always encourage you to make the best decision for yourself and empower yourself through your hands-on experience.


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I want to present all the options to you so that you have a really good understanding of what’s in store.

Image of a person holding clear quartz and amethyst crystals

Connecting with a community of like-minded crystal lovers allows you to share & grow alongside others. 

It can be challenging when you’re trying to learn something on your own because it’s that rich tapestry of different experiences that helps us put our own experiences into context and into perspective. When you’re part of a community like we have here at the Love and Light School, you’re able to share your own experience with your crystals, but also learn from what others are sharing. Through sharing, listening and integrating all of this information, this built-in community is such an amazing way to go above and beyond what you can possibly experience on your own.


Image of a hand holding a quartz generator point


It helps you get so much more from what you’re learning because not only can you learn from your experiences, but you get the benefit of these great conversations from other folks who are working with their crystals too. Although you can do this outside of a school or program, sometimes it’s nice when we can really expand and broaden our community and bring lots of like-minded people together to share our experiences. This also creates some great accountability and motivation for helping you stay on track with your learning.


Do I need to be certified to be a crystal healer? Learn how to run a crystal healing session step by step


Sometimes when we’re doing things on our own, it’s really easy to set things aside because life happens and things come up and get in the way. But when we feel that encouragement from our peers, it helps us keep moving forward and learning new things.


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The biggest questions I get about certification though, come from people who have no desire to do crystal healing professionally and they think, ”Well, if I just want to do this for my own personal enrichment, why do I need a certificate?”


Image of a bowl containing many different types of crystals


And the answer is, you don’t. It’s a great added benefit to everything else that you get with a program like this. The structure, depth of information that’s covered, community environment, and mentorship from someone who’s been there and done it before. The certificate is a great way to show your achievement and working through the program even if it’s for your own benefit. It feels good to get recognition for all the work and energy that you’ve put into learning something new.


Photo of a zodiac style crystal grid with a hand placing a crystal on it. Do I need to be certified to be a crystal healer?


Many of my students also find that by the time they’ve gone through and had these experiences with their crystals, they’re excited to consider all the ways that they might want to incorporate crystals into their work professionally, whether as a part-time or full-time energy worker, or incorporating crystals into another healing arts modality, or some other type of work.

We have students who are meditation teachers, counselors, nurses, retail store owners, estheticians, jewelry makers, and so much more.

There’s so much that you can do with your crystal healing education, and you might be surprised at the ways in which you can incorporate crystals into the work that you’re already doing. Having that certificate at the end is a nice bonus in case you decide later on that you might want to incorporate crystals into your professional work.


Do I Need to be Certified to be a Crystal Healer?


So why offer certificates at all? Because for most places in the United States, energy healing is not a regulated modality. In some places it is, but in most areas, it’s not. So in order to maintain a standard of quality in terms of our course materials and everything that we offer here at the school, we offer a certification program for our students that’s a high-quality crystal healing education that’s accredited by the the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM).

We are internationally accredited for what we do. We’ve been reviewed by a third-party organization who’s gone through all of our course materials to make sure that they meet their standards, as well as reviewing my credentials as a teacher. And if you do decide to go on to offer Crystal Healing Sessions in an energy healing practice or utilize your crystal knowledge in some other way, your certificate can often give your clients peace of mind that you’ve studied with a reputable school, that you really know what you’re doing.

Again, it’s not that this knowledge can’t be acquired on your own, it absolutely can, but there’s a depth and richness that comes from working through a program like this that’s often much more challenging to reach on your own. So ultimately, it might not be about the certification for you at all, but what might be really beneficial is all of the knowledge, experience, and wisdom that you can gain in a program like our Crystal Healing Certification program.


Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!

Do I Need to be Certified to be a Crystal Healer?
Article Name
Do I Need to be Certified to be a Crystal Healer?
It's perfectly natural to wonder, well, do I need a certification to learn about crystals? And the answer might surprise you.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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