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What’s New with Aura Quartz? New Varieties & New Mineral Auras

Aura quartzNew, bold, and exciting colors have made Aura Quartz all the rage right now, and if you haven’t seen some of the recent newcomers on the market, you really ought to check them out! From “cotton candy” pink auras to “daffodil” yellow ones, there’s a whole new rainbow of them to choose from.

I’ve seen one company kind of brand this whole new collection as “ultra aura” because they are so vibrant that they’re a SUPER aurified quartz crystal, and the color range that you see on these stones is really quite intense.  It’s a little bit different than the traditional aura crystals that have been out in the market for years now.

So the traditional aura quartz are usually limited to:

  • Aqua Aura (which is that nice blue)
  • Rainbow Aura (which is also called Flame Aura)
  • Cobalt Aura (which looks similar to the Rainbow Aura, but is more blue)
  • Tangerine or Melon Aura (which is that nice kind of peachy gold color, it’s also sometimes called Imperial Gold Aura)
  • Opal Aura (which is also known as Angel Aura Quartz)

See you’ll see all of those, but this new kind of aura movement that’s happening called for an update.

Click Here to view the original Aura Quartz Article to learn more about the energy of Aura Quartz.


New pink varieties:

I’ve seen these called a few different things. There’s a really pale pink that’s called a sugar aura.  You’ll actually see a range of sugar aura quartz in a few different colors, but the sugar aura is primarily light pink.

IMG_8371The very vibrant pink is called cotton candy aura or just cotton candy quartz.  There’s also a cranberry aura which is a little bit more of a purply pink but it’s a little bit lighter, whereas the cotton candy is a really vibrant pink.

Then there’s a daffodil aura which some people are also calling sunshine aura, but most people know sunshine aura to be natural (caused by iron coating like in sunshine aura spirit quartz).  This new kind of yellowy, really vibrant and bright yellow, kind of a lemon yellow, is being called daffodil aura.

IMG_8373Green varieties:

There’s a new pale green aura quartz which is different than the apple aura quartz.  The pale green is being called pistachio aura and it’s kind of a light, almost more minty, green.

And then I’ve seen some of the really vibrant apple aura which is kind of a brighter green. There’s a little bit deeper minty that’s a slightly darker color with a little blue tinge and that one’s being called kiwi aura; it’s kind of this weird blue tealy green – really, really pretty though.

IMG_8372Orange varieties:

There’s also a really super deep orange that’s very bright, it’s kind of fiery-looking.  It’s not the same as the melon aura or imperial gold aura quartz (which is more kind of like a dreamsicle color), but is often confused for it. This new one is called peach aura, sunset aura, or jacinth aura.  So you’ll see, all of those names being thrown around for the same crystals.

I think there are so many names for the same stones right now because they’re new and because these new combinations of precious metals are being created by so many people right now that everyone’s kind of putting their own name on things. I think it’s wonderful that there are a few new players in this game of making the aura crystals.  They used to be only made in a few places, so the colors and distribution were very limited, but people are really kind of thinking out of the box and expanding what’s being made. In fact, I’ve seen a lot of people doing aura treatments on other types of crystals now.

How are they made?

Now just to kind of go back to my original post on aura quartz and give you a quick rundown of how these are made, the crystals are put in a vacuum chamber and then the precious metals are actually vaporized and pumped into the chamber which is then heated up to about 1600 degrees Fahrenheit.  This is the temperature which those vaporized metals actually bond to the surface of the crystals and stick, creating that nice iridescent coating. Now those can’t be scratched off or rubbed off, they’re actually molecularly bonded to the surface of the crystal.

Some healers don’t like to use them because:

A) they’re man-made; and B) it’s actually changed a little bit of the molecular bonding of that outer layer of molecules on the quartz crystal. In my opinion, however, based on my experience working with these crystals, they’re of a really high vibration and they have a super transformational energy.  So I do think that there’s a big benefit to working with them; plus, you get the amplifying capability of the quartz crystal combined with just a little bit of these precious metals that we otherwise usually don’t get to work with – things like platinum and gold and silver.

So for that reason, I think that aura quartz crystals definitely have a place in any crystal healing toolkit.  And with these new varieties of aura quartz, you’re getting some really interesting energetic things happening.

Aura treatments for other crystal types:

Like I mentioned earlier, people are also branching now into creating aura treatments for other types of crystals and minerals.

For example, there’s been a big flood of aura amethyst on the market, so you’ll see things like platinum and silver coating the amethyst, which is creating really interesting effects (because there’s a purple undertone to the amethyst and then the color of the aura on top of that). Sometimes this creates a really interesting depth and play of color that you don’t get with the quartz ,and then sometimes it looks a little strange. I’ve also seen the melon aura or imperial gold aura done on rose quartz and carnelian which has been really interesting, mostly just in tumbled stones.  The amethyst I’ve seen done with clusters and tumbled stones and other things.

Probably the most interesting thing that I’ve seen anyone do so far is put an aura treatment on an aragonite sputnik.  I encourage you to kind of search some of these new things out and I hope that the people who are making these really cool crystals keep experimenting and keep playing with this energy because the results are really phenomenal.  Keep your eyes open for these new aura varieties; they’re really, really fun.

IMG_20160427_132037Quick recap:

there’s the sugar aura line which is the light pink; that really bright vibrant pink you’ll see as candy or cotton candy aura, sometimes you see these cross over into being called raspberry aura, but raspberry aura was kind of a pre-existing name for the rose aura or ruby aura quartz that was already on the market.

There’s the daffodil which is bright yellow, which I did see called moon glow aura in one instance, that’s a nice bright yellow; there’s the pistachio aura which is the pale minty green; the kiwi aura which is darker than our traditional apple aura with a little bit more blue in it and I’ve also seen this being called verde aura, the Spanish word for green; then there’s this sunset, jacynth, or peach aura which is this really vibrant deep orange color; and then the cranberry aura which is kind of a lilacky pinky purple. Very, very pretty stuff though.

You’ll also see under this new ultra aura umbrella a little bit more intense version of aqua aura than what we’ve seen in the past; the color’s a lot more and lot deeper blue, so keep your eyes open for that as well.

Jelly Quartz:

Some people have reported these new “ultra” aura Quartz crystals to be the throw back “Jelly Quartz” (also known as Jello Quartz) that are coated with colorful teflon.  From my research, my understanding is that the teflon film used to create Jelly Quartz can be scratched off since it isn’t actually bonded to the surface of the crystals.

I was unable to scrape or scratch off any of the coatings in the pieces pictured in my video, but because these stones are relatively new to the market, I am not entirely sure whether or not the pieces shown in the video qualify as true “aura crystals.”  Although they look similar to some Jelly Quartz I have seen, they can’t be scratched (which is the only method I’ve seen referenced for testing these stones).

These crystals may also be the result of something called magnetron ionization.  This process creates an iridescent coating not he surface of crystals without subjecting them to the extreme heat of vapor deposition/electroplating (the traditional aura quartz creation method).  The vendors I purchased the crystals from (as seen in the second video on this page) all assured me that these stones were made with one of these two methods and that none were teflon coated.


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What's New with Aura Quartz?  New Varieties & New Mineral Auras
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What's New with Aura Quartz? New Varieties & New Mineral Auras
So what's the difference between the old aura quartz and the new aura quartz movement? Are they still safe to use for healing? Find out all the details here.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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6 Responses

  1. Regardless of how they are made, they are beautiful. There are times when I need certain colors around to inspire something nameless – just kind of an excitatory, mellow, or other association-cortex derived feeling. I do love and treasure natural stones. I often wear a combination of labradorite, genuine aqua aura, amethyst, black onyx, lapis, and others. However, I also enjoy dyed agate and dyed quartz. For me, a lot of these crystals are like tie-dye shirts. Peace, Miyanna

    1. Hey Miyanna! Yes- the most important thing is to work with the stones you feel drawn to– and sometimes color therapy does the trick whether it’s on an aura quartz or whichever other stones you choose to work with! 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing <3 Crystal blessings!

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