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6 Best Crystals for Connecting with Spirit (Plus A Crystal Meditation for Spirit Connection)

The realm of Spirit is vast and varied, and connecting with Spirit means different things to different people.

6 Best Crystals for the spirit realm

Some view this practice as a way of turning inward and connecting with the higher self. Others look to ancestors, guides, or angels, and still, others look to spirits of place and of the land.

No matter your view, building your relationship with Spirit must be approached just like any other relationship…it takes patience, dedication, and respect to create a meaningful connection.

6 Best Crystals for Connecting with Spirit (Plus A Crystal Meditation for Spirit Connection)


Crystals can help support you as you work to deepen this relationship of connecting with Spirit.

Stones have the ability to amplify energy, enhance your focus, and stimulate intuitive insights, all of which create and strengthen your connection to the spirit realm.

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6 Best Crystals for Connecting with Spirit:


One of the best crystals for spirit connecting with the spirit realm is Jade. Jade, a beautiful, deep-green stone, has ancient connections as an ancestor stone, especially in China. Your connection to your ancestors is very important, and Jade can be useful for contacting your ancestor spirits, as well as to strengthen your relationship with them. 

6 Best Crystals for connecting with spirit


Angelite is known for helping you connect with your guides and angels. It brings the protective energy of your guides into your space and calls upon them for guidance. This crystal can help you find a great deal of comfort, helping you to feel safe and supported when things outside of your control are overwhelming.  It’s also excellent for stimulating your intuition and allowing messages from your guides to come through loud and clear.

6 Best Crystals for connecting with spirit


Turquoise is one of the most powerful stones for ancestor connection. Turquoise is traditionally known as a wisdom stone, but it has also been known for promoting clear communication with your ancestors. It also reminds you to reciprocate this relationship by honoring ancestral spirits and supports you in finding the best way to show your gratitude for this relationship.

6 Best Crystals for connecting with spirit

Green Aventurine:

Green Aventurine promotes harmony in your environment, especially in your sacred space or with the land you occupy. When working with Spirit, it’s helpful to be sure that your space is tranquil and free from psychic debris.  Green Aventurine works to keep the energy of your space peaceful and harmonious while performing any spiritual work, making the space feel more inviting to beings of the Spirit realm.

6 Best Crystals for connecting with spirit


Amazonite promotes positive communication with nature spirits (like fairies, elementals, and genius loci – spirits of place). When you’re trying to connect with these sensitive beings, it’s important to remain heart-centered. Approaching nature spirits can be delicate, but when you’re coming from a heart-centered place, you set the stage for a meaningful connection to take place. Over time, Amazonite can help you develop a deeper relationship with these spirits of place and of the land.

6 Best Crystals for connecting with spirit


Malachite invites protective guardian spirits into your space to watch over you and all members of your household. This crystal should be placed near the entryway so that anyone who’s entering your home will be protected while they’re within the space. Malachite is also a stone of deep healing and allows you to shed energies that are not serving you, allowing you to enter the space feeling lighter and more at ease. This is a great crystal to set in a prominent place in your home to honor household spirits.

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A Crystal Meditation for Spirit Connection:

Prepare for this meditation by choosing one of the crystals above (or substitute any stone you have on hand that helps you feel tuned into Spirit). Use your intuition to choose the one you’re most drawn to using. Prepare yourself, your stone, and your sacred space by energetically cleansing everything thoroughly; I like using sound cleansing for this (a small bell or chime works great).

6 Best Crystals for Connecting with Spirit (Plus A Crystal Meditation for Spirit Connection)


Think about what purpose you have for connecting with the spirit world and create an intention for yourself and what you would like to experience during this meditation.
  • Are you looking for guidance?
  • Would you like to connect with your ancestors?
  • Do you want to be more tuned into the land you occupy and the nature spirits and energies there?
  • Or do you just want to be generally more in flow with the Universal energies that surround you?

6 Best Crystals for connecting with spirit

Once you’ve gotten some clarity about your intention, you may want to speak it aloud or write it down in your journal or on a scrap of paper.

Then, make yourself comfortable in your sacred space with your chosen crystal. Take just a moment to center and ground yourself. Invite Spirit to join you during this meditation and think about the connection that you’ll be creating.

6 Best Crystals for connecting with spirit

Pick up your crystal and focus on your breathing.

You may hold your stone in your lap, over your heart, or whichever way it feels most comfortable. Breathe naturally for a few cycles until you feel yourself begin to relax. Then, take a deep breath in, and exhale, releasing all expectations for the meditation. Inhale again, close your eyes, and focus on the intention you’ve set.

6 Best Crystals for connecting with spirit

Allow yourself to be open to receiving any messages, symbols, or intuitive insights from Spirit.

Remain in stillness for at least ten minutes, but you may continue for as long as you like (or until you intuitively feel you have successfully connected with the spirit world).  Take a mental note of any messages or information that comes through.

6 Best Crystals for connecting with spirit

When you feel ready, take a deep breath in, slowly exhale, open your eyes, and return to the present moment. 

Set your crystal down, wiggle your fingers and toes, stretch your arms and legs, and re-ground and center yourself. Then, set your crystal in a prominent place to show your gratitude for Spirit.

6 Best Crystals for connecting with spirit

Thank Spirit for any wisdom, messages, or energy that was shared with you and for taking the time to connect with you in whatever way feels appropriate to you.

You may also want to leave a small offering at the end of this practice (a small piece of artwork, a poem, a crystal grid, some dried herbs in a dish out of the reach of little ones or pets, a song, some moon water, etc.). You may also take a few minutes to reflect on your experience by journaling, drawing any symbols, or making notes of anything that stands out as important or meaningful.

6 Best Crystals for connecting with spirit

If you are left with any questions or points of curiosity, you may even want to pull a card or two for some clarity or additional information. You can work with either Tarot or Oracle cards, whichever you feel most comfortable using. Alternatively, you’re welcome to work with any other divinatory tool or method you’d like – pendulums, runes, ogham staves, trinket charms, stone casting, crystal ball scrying, etc.

6 Best Crystals for connecting with spirit


Meditation can be an amazing way to hone your skills at sensing the energy of your stones…

That’s why I’ve created my Crystal Energy Guided Meditation!

Crystal Energy Guided Meditation


This 15-minute, immersive meditation is designed to help you tune into the unique energies of your crystals and develop a deeper understanding of their healing properties, allowing you to enhance your connection with the crystal realm.


Crystal Energy Meditation - 15 Minute Guided Meditation


As crystal healers, it’s important that we get to know each of our crystals intimately, so that we can be sure we’re maximizing the healing potential of our stones. Learn how with my Crystal Energy Guided Meditation


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6 Best Crystals for Connecting with Spirit (Plus A Crystal Meditation for Spirit Connection)
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6 Best Crystals for Connecting with Spirit (Plus A Crystal Meditation for Spirit Connection)
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to communicate with the spirit realm? Healing crystals can help create and strengthen your connection to the Spirit.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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21 Responses

  1. Thanks for that info. I always use Labradorite when trying to connect to the spirit world. I will definitely try these other stones.

      1. Thank you for the great info. I have been just dragging my gift is very week and I need help getting it strong! So I’m will definitely try these crystals! If they don’t help do you have any advice?

  2. Thank you Ashley for sharing your knowledge and energy, I really enjoyed this post. While I missed the recent opportunity to enroll for a course of study with you, I am excited to keep my eyes open for the next available dates, as I always look forward to learning from you, and want to part-take your next one. I love your clear and encouraging approach to teaching.

  3. I use green aventurine, labradorite, and my two favorites – selenite and ruby fuchsite to connect with Spirit. I have all four crystals in my hands or on my lap when I’m trying to connect.

    Thank you for this blog — I think I need some jade!

    1. Those are great choices! I love Ruby Fuchsite 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed the blog post! Crystal Blessings

  4. I’ve been searching for the best crystals for contacting my Spirit Guide. It’s become a little confusing because every website I visit gives different crystals. I’ve accumulated many name of the best crystals for the purpose of connection with my spirit guide and now I’ve added yours.

    Purchasing all these crystals can be expensive so I’m hoping you will give me some guidance.???

    Here is my list, with your recommendations at the end. I’ve just started Meditation and hoping to find two cyrstals (one for each hand) while I meditate using your instructions from above.
    From Websites I’ve visited…
    Leopard Jasper
    Anyolite, also known as Green Zoisite with Ruby
    White Datolite
    Herderite (Herkimer Diamonds)

    From Your List…
    Green Aventurine
    Malachite (place near my door)

  5. Thank you for this and so many other informative, understandable and clear articles. From reading the above and alternate links, I now understand that it is up to me to choose my own crystal(s) for cleansing and communication with my Angel/ spirit guides. Reading the above I have a few questions I am hoping you would have time to answer:
    Are there any crystals you should not use for meditation and connecting with spirit guides?
    Would using a singing bowl cleanse crystals?
    Do you sell crystals and singing bowls (you mentioned using a bell?).
    Thank you so very much for sharing your knowledge!

    1. Hi Charlene! I don’t think there are any specific types of stones to avoid – it’s really about making sure your intention for working with them lines up with your purpose. A sound healer I knows highly recommends the TopFund brand of Quartz singing bowls https://amzn.to/3SJazaq (I don’t sell these, but this is an affiliate link).

  6. I am all new to having stones I have an angelite and have questions about how to begin doing this. What crystals I should get. I need a lot for calming me and my anxiety. Please help if you can

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