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Healing Properties of Red Banded Agate: A Crystal for Creative Flow

Healing Properties of Red Banded AgateA Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Red Banded Agate: “I go with the flow and am easily able to tap into the limitless energy of my creativity.”


Common Healing Properties of Red Banded Agate:

  • Promotes physical grounding
  • Enhances your connection to the physical realm
  • Helps you draw what you need from the limitless Universal energy that surrounds you
  • Reduces negativity
  • Encourages creativity
  • Helps you appreciate your sense of humor
  • Allows you to go with the flow, even during difficult times
  • Enhances your divine feminine power
  • Promotes protection
  • Encourages stability
  • Harmonizes your Yin & Yang energies
  • Enhances physical strength
  • Balances positive and negative emotions
  • Assists you while you work with universal forces and energies in magic and ritual
Colors: Swirly, translucent bands of red-orange, gray, and white

Associated Chakras: 1st (Root), 2nd (Sacral)

Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius, Aries

Elements: Water, Fire

Companion Flowers: Red Dahlia

Companion Essential Oil: Hibiscus

Companion Stone: Blue Hemimorphite

Common Origins: Brazil, Madagascar

Notes: Some Agate stones are named for their specific locality or appearance. This name applies to any banded Agate stone featuring a beautiful red color that is not known by a more specific locality name.

Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!



More Information About Agate:

Healing Properties of Red Banded AgateAgate comes in a huge variety of colors and patterns, many named after plants and animals. These names not only describe the stone’s appearance, they add meaning to the stone’s uses as well. Ancient Greeks called tawny-colored ones “lion skin agates”; these stones had great strength, and could counteract a wide range of poisons, especially scorpion stings. In Hebrew tradition, one could gain courage by plucking a hair from a lion’s mane — but if that seemed a little too ambitious to start out with, you could substitute a lion skin agate instead!

On the other hand, ancient writers cautioned against keeping agates with the spotty pattern of hyena fur, claiming those would cause domestic trouble. The green of a tree agate would attract positive attention from the agricultural goddess Ceres; farmers not only wore this stone as an amulet, they’d also tie a piece to the horn of their ox while plowing. Across many cultures and times, we’ve come to see and make use of many connections between plant, animal and mineral kingdoms, as well as connections with eternal realms.






red banded agate

Connecting with your inner creativity is a form of restorative self-care…


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Healing Properties of Red Banded Agate: A Crystal for Creative Flow
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Healing Properties of Red Banded Agate: A Crystal for Creative Flow
The healing properties of Red Banded Agate promote grounding and connection. This beautiful stone will allow you to go with the flow and tap into your deepest creativity.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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