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Healing Properties of Black Onyx: A Crystal for Strength & Grounding

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Black Onyx is a form of Chalcedony, a cryptocrystalline form of Quartz with a history as a protective stone.

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Black Onyx: “I embrace my inner shadow and integrate the lessons it has to teach me.”


Common Healing Properties of Black Onyx:

  • Enhances clear focus
  • Amplifies your intentions
  • Assists you with recognizing and integrating the lessons shared with you by your shadow side
  • Promotes Divine order
  • Encourages sensibility and clear thinking
  • Enhances protection and shields you from negative energies
  • Assists with grounding
  • Energetically supports you as you face your shadow side with courage so that old patterns and traumas can be released
Colors: Soft black to charcoal gray, occasionally with lighter bands or swirls of gray, white, or creamProperties of Black Onyx

Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Scorpio

Elements: Earth

Companion Flowers: Ghost Pipe

Companion Essential Oil: Mugwort

Companion Stone: Peach Aventurine

Common Origins: Brazil, India, Uruguay, Madagascar, Peru

Notes: Often has a somewhat waxy-looking surface (not as shiny as other black stones). Also known as Black Chalcedony.

Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!

More About the healing properties of Black Onyx:

Healing properties of black onyxOnyx is a form of chalcedony, which is often, but not always, a banded agate. This stone has a long and interesting history that is worth learning about. Black onyx’s excellent, smooth texture and interesting patterns make it perfect for carving both jewelry and everyday objects, including cameos. The ancients sought it out for this reason, and used it to fashion tough and handsome pottery and bowls. Not to mention, the Bible even gives onyx the honor of forming the foundation of the City of Heaven. For some reason, medieval authorities took an intense dislike to this stone; they claimed it made love chill, brought on attacks of “frivolities,” and they thought it even caused babies to drool. However, they admitted a big plus side as well: it has a strong virtue as a protective and healing stone. Nowadays we’ve come to value the protective and grounding energy of this beautiful semi-precious gem.

As an astrological stone for Scorpio:

Black Onyx is a stone for strength, hardiness, constancy, grounding, stamina, and self-control. All of these qualities come together in the layered beauty of onyx, which plays to the strengths of vigorous Scorpio. However, this intense sign, often self-repressive, has also been described as having an icy exterior and a fiery inner core.  The layers of onyx remind us to take each thing in turn, rather than obsessing about what should be or might have been. Grounding is important, especially when faced with Scorpion passions. This stone tells us that the time has come to focus on putting together the pieces of things we haven’t yet been able to figure out.



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Black Onyx


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Healing Properties of Black Onyx: A Crystal for Strength & Gorunding
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Healing Properties of Black Onyx: A Crystal for Strength & Gorunding
For thousands of years, the powerful healing properties of black onyx have aided humans in finding clarity, focus and protection.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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