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Energy Healing for Self-Care: An Interview with Ashley Leavy by Jill Bloomer

Energy Healing for Self-CareWe all need to take time out to give ourselves some much-needed self-care, and if you’re an energy worker, lightworker, or are in a position where help take care of others in some way – it’s essential to make self-care a regular practice. In this interview with crystal expert and Certified Crystal Healer Ashley Leavy, Jill Bloomer uncovers some helpful tips and secrets on the subject of energy healing for self-care.

Self-care is so important. It is one of the key things to focus on if you want to be at the top of your game as a healer. So this week, Jill Bloomer Interviews Ashley Leavy about Energy Healing Techniques for Self-Care.


Jill: What instructions about self-care and self-healing do you give to your students?

Ashley: I discuss a number of things for self-care. For example, I teach a whole class devoted to self-protection with crystals. I especially like to discuss using crystals for shielding the energy body. When most people think of this, they immediately think of shielding the body from “negative” energy. I really like to think of it more as unwanted energy or energy that’s not for your highest good. However, I talk about shielding more in the manner of protection from EMF’s. I think that this is very important as I have personally had some health concerns that I think were worsened by electromagnetic pollution.



I like to share my personal experience with using stones to shield the energy body from these harmful waves. Some of my personal favorites for this are Black Tourmaline, Lepidolite, Malachite, and Red Jasper.

I also offer some guided visualization techniques to help shield the chakras, or energy centers, of the body. These exercises work best for more visual-oriented learners, but can be very beneficial to anyone. I also like this type of technique because once you learn how to do it for yourself, you can explain it to others or use it with your clients.

For more kinesthetic people, I offer a technique that utilizes the principles of Jin-Shin-Jyutsu with crystals for protecting and balancing the energy bodies.

I also cover using crystal jewelry for protection. This is a simple method that can be used daily by most people. Additionally, using Pranayama breathing techniques (enhanced with crystal energy) to maintain balance (and work preventatively).

Jill: What are the consequences of neglecting self-care while caring for others?

Ashley: I personally feel that self-care is incredibly important in the crystal healing profession. Without it, we become unbalanced. Some healers think of this in terms of “energy drain” but it is more about being out of the natural flow. We must restore what is used energetically. I think that if we are neglecting ourselves, then we are unable to provide the best possible care and support for our clients. Without caring for ourselves first, we are doing them a dis-service because we can’t perform healing work at the level that is our personal best.

Jill: What are some things you do for yourself to continue your own self-healing?

HappinessAshley: First and foremost, I am always learning new things. I love learning new techniques that I can use for myself or teach to my students or clients. The more ways you have of doing something the better. Each person is individual so we all respond differently to the various ways of working with energy. My healing practice and energy healing school keep me quite busy and active. Therefore, I like to schedule a little time into each day where I can connect with my crystals. I like to switch it up pretty often so that it stays fresh and doesn’t feel like a chore to take some “me” time.

One of my favorite things to do is find a sunny spot in my backyard and make a simple crystal grid. Then, I just relax and soak in the good crystal vibes! The grid seems to be different each and every time depending upon which crystals are right for me at the moment, but that’s part of the fun of it! I am also a firm believer in cleansing cords and connections. It is amazing how much energetic garbage we are prone to carrying around, but remembering to make time to clear your cords can make all the difference in how you feel physically, emotionally, and energetically.

As crystal healers, it’s so important for us to know exactly how to leverage our stones’ distinct energies to create the profound shifts we want to see in our lives and those we are helping.

With my Crystal Rituals for Personal Empowerment Course, you will learn how to harness the energy of crystals to kickstart these big changes, unlocking a world of endless possibilities.


Crystal Rituals for Personal Empowerment Course


From intention-setting ceremonies to sacred crystal grids, you’ll explore a wide range of transformative rituals that will help you harness crystal energy, deepen your spiritual connection and embrace self-care and healing.

This Course Includes:

  • 55-minute video course
  • 47-page printable class slideshow
  • 22-minute guided meditation for self-confidence
  • 15 printable crystal grid bases for self-love
  • 7-page self-love routine tracker worksheet packet
  • 10 Printable crystal-themed coloring pages


Crystal Rituals for Personal Empowerment Course


When you’re first starting out working with crystal energy for self-empowerment, being aware of the many ways you can use your crystals for manifestation can be so helpful. That’s why, in my Crystal Rituals for Personal Empowerment Course, I share practical techniques for you to work with radiant crystal energy to unleash your true potential!

Learn More & Sign up

Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!

3 Responses

  1. I tried to click on the links above as i am interested in crystal healing but the link isnt available. Can you provide me info where i can find out about classes offered. Thank you. Love & light Carrie

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