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Don’t Cleanse These Crystals?

Crystal cleansingIf you work with crystals for healing, you’re probably familiar with the many different methods of cleansing them. What you may not know, though, is that many crystal experts claim that there are certain crystals that don’t need to be cleansed – they say that some crystals aren’t capable of holding onto negative or stagnant energies. What do you think?

When it comes to crystal cleansing, there are tons of differing opinions in the crystal healing community: how to cleanse, when to cleanse, why to cleanse…But the most interesting, and sometimes controversial, topic surrounding cleansing, is whether or not ALL stones need cleansing.

If you’re anything like me, you’re a total crystal junkie.  This often leads to a fews hours perusing books and the internet and reading everything you can about stones.  It seems I’m constantly coming across lists of stones that never need cleansing.  Maybe you’ve seen this to and wondered, “Why these stones?”  or “Who came up with this?”

Well, these lists can vary from source to source, sometimes having a smattering of the same crystals on each list, while other times being completely different from one another.

I’ve always known Melody, author of the “Love is in the Earth” series of books, to be the original author of one such list of stones.  Her list has continued to grow over the years and now includes 26 stones:

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  • Pearl Agate
  • Astronomite
  • Green Beryl with a Blue Flash
  • Borax
  • Citrine
  • Frondelite
  • Halite (Electrified Translucent Massive)
  • Kyanite
  • Menezesite
  • Metamorphosis Quartz
  • Park Forest Meteorite
  • Green Obsidian with Perlite
  • Ouro Verde Quartz
  • Peridot with Magnetite 7 Chromite
  • Spitzkopfe Phenacite
  • Pre-Cambrian Impact Structure
  • Reciprocal Space Quartz
  • Tektonic Quartz
  • Titanium Included Quartz
  • Rhodizite
  • Smoky/Citrine Combination
  • Super Seven
  • Guangdong Tektite
  • Philippine Tektite
  • Viking Balls
  • Yoderite

Crystal cleansingI believe that the other lists of stones that don’t require cleansing often stem from this list and often include additional stones not seen here (perhaps intuitive additions added by each author).

But why should some stones never need cleansing?

As many of you probably know, I adore Melody.  She is a mentor and a role model and I try to soak up every morsel of knowledge I can from her.

BUT, when it comes to this one particular subject, I just HAD to ask her, why these stones?

She explained to me that in her experience, these stones just didn’t have the capability to hold on to negative energy.

I thought that was a very interesting concept.  BUT (yes…another big “but” here), I also got to thinking about this idea.  It’s my opinion that we each hold our own unique energy vibration, just like each crystal has a unique frequency.  I think this is why some people connect with certain stones so strongly and not with others. For example, I may love to use Auralite-23 for meditation, but it might not be your cup of tea.  Perhaps you work best with Sugilite for your blissed out crystal journeys.

If we each connect and interact with crystals in different ways, maybe this whole cleansing issue depends upon the person using the stone.  Maybe Citrine never feels as if it’s storing negative vibes to one person, but another person would feel differently.

Crystal cleansingNow, I’m not totally sure about any of this, and my default stance on crystal work is usually “do what feels right for you.”  However, when it comes to this particular issue, I feel like it’s always better to be safe than sorry.  Right?

Cleansing can be such a quick and simple thing to do, why not just do it for all crystal anyway?  Even if you truly feel there is no negativity whatsoever in that piece of Citrine or kyanite you’re using, why not just give it a quick cleanse anyway?  A bit of an energy “spruce up” so to speak.  I’m sure your crystal will love it even if it’s not needed.

If you need some quick and easy cleansing tips, be sure to check out this article to learn 10 different cleansing methods that you can use to cleanse your healing stones.

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Don't Cleanse These Crystals?
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Don't Cleanse These Crystals?
When it comes to crystal cleansing, there are tons of differing opinions in the crystal healing community: how to cleanse, when to cleanse, why to cleanse...But the most interesting, and sometimes controversial, topic surrounding cleansing, is whether or not ALL stones need cleansing.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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