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Crystals & A Card Spread for Imbolc

Imbolc is celebrated from sundown on February 1st until sundown on February 2nd each year here in the Northern hemisphere. This holiday celebrates the first inkling of Spring and welcomes in new growth and the return of warmth to the land. Discover the best crystals and a card spread for Imbolc!

Crystals and A Card Spread for Imbolc

Imbolc is the perfect time to hold space for renewal, fertility, purification, rebirth, hope, growth, planning, and new beginnings. It’s also an important time for introspection as we prepare for a time of action and energy that accompanies the return of the Sun. Align yourself with the seasonal energies with these crystals and a card spread for Imbolc! 


*If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, you’ll be celebrating the festival of Lughnasadh today instead of Imbolc to keep with the seasonal cycles. Imbolc is usually celebrated on August 1st in the Southern hemisphere.


Crystals and A Card Spread for Imbolc

Some of my favorite crystals to work with on and around Imbolc are:

    1. Red Garnet – This rich, earthy stone supports us as we get more present in our bodies as we await the arrival of spring – stretching, awakening, and rejuvenating ourselves now in preparation for the return of the Sun.
    2. Carnelian – With colors ranging from burnt orange to vivid sunset tangerine, Carnelian embodies the warmth that is beginning to return to the land at this time of year.
    3. Pyrite – This stone shines like the golden rays of the sun – bringing strength, motivation, and excitement for the season ahead!

    Other Suggested Crystals for Imbolc:

    • Black Onyx
    • Bloodstone
    • Orange Calcite
    • Citrine
    • Golden Calcite
    • Amethyst
    • Azurite
    • Ruby
    • Golden Tiger’s Eye
    • Red Jasper
    • Malachite
    • Peridot
    • Turquoise
    • White Moonstone

      Open yourself up to messages of illumination during the return of the Sun with a Sacred Card Spread for Imbolc!



      This reading will cover 4 aspects of growth to help you:

      1. Uncover hidden influences that are affecting the events in your life
      2. Hear messages from the universe specific to your unique life path and journey toward personal growth
      3. Look into what you need to focus on now by gaining insight into how you’re being supported and which direction to take next



      Crystals and A Card Spread for Imbolc




  1. Interpreting Card #1: FOUNDATION

    Which things, people, or practices are currently supporting you and providing a strong foundation in your life?

    This card helps summarize the supporting influences in your life. These sources of support may be people, things, or your own personal habits or practices. Regardless of which category they fall into, they are currently helping to provide a strong and stable foundation for you, so you may want to consider how you can incorporate them in a bigger way. It’s also important to recognize them so that you can show your gratitude, especially for the people in your life who have helped you during the darker times leading up to this new season of illumination and the return of the Sun.

    Crystals and A Card Spread for Imbolc

    Interpreting Card #2: DIRECTION

    In which situations or areas of your life do you currently feel lost and how can you regain your sense of direction & clarity?

    Are you feeling a bit lost and out of sorts as you emerge from the dark winter season into the first light of spring? This card is all about regaining your sense of direction, getting clear on your purpose, and flowing along the path that the universe is placing before you so that you feel more at ease.


    Crystals and A Card Spread for Imbolc

    Interpreting Card #3: GROWTH

    Which parts of you deserve your attention so that you may better understand yourself and grow as a person?

    Is there an area of your life you’ve been neglecting? Have you slipped up with your boundaries, self-care, or interpersonal relationships? Living through the past few years on high alert in the midst of a pandemic, most of us are teeming with anxiety and are just doing our best to hold it together. But the challenges we’ve all faced have also shown many of us things about ourselves that we didn’t know before. As difficult as things have been, this has also been a time of deep self-reflection and getting to know ourselves more intimately. This card is shining a light on the parts of yourself that deserve your full attention right now – to deepen that intimate connection with yourself. What have you gotten to learn about yourself over the past few months (or years)? How have you grown as a person? How will you choose to continue to grow?



  2. Crystals and A Card Spread for Imbolc

    Interpreting Card #4: ILLUMINATION

    What lessons does the Universe want you to know that are in store for you at this time?

    This card is a special message for you directly from the Universe. It encapsulates what the universe most wants you to know right now at this time in your life – about who you are, about the lessons and events that are in store for you. Remember that nothing is set in stone, and a card reading is only as good as your interpretation…so don’t get too stuck on specifics here – this is more about looking ahead at the bigger picture. What is the message that the Universe is whispering to you right now? What do you think this means for you as you look ahead? This is a little nudge along with some wisdom & guidance to keep you moving in the right direction.

Tap into springtime renewal, purification, and joy with these crystals and a card spread for Imbolc!


As crystal healers, it’s essential for us to stay in alignment and flow with each season and its distinct energies. Because Imbolc is such a potent time for channeling inspiration and making space for growth, it presents the perfect opportunity to harness crystal energy to guide you through this season of spiritual renewal and purification. 


Imbolc Digital Download Kit


Our Imbolc Digital Download Kit has been thoughtfully designed to help you embrace the magic of the dawning spring, find harmony with the reawakening landscape, and cultivate new beginnings. Filled with beautifully-curated resources and expert insights, this kit is your ultimate companion for unlocking the power of crystal healing during this turning of the seasonal wheel. 

This comprehensive, digital kit includes:

  • Imbolc Guidebook
  • Guided Meditation for Imbolc
  • Imbolc Card Spread
  • Imbolc Crystal Grid Recipe & Template


Imbolc Digital Download Kit


Aligning your energy with seasonal ebbs and flows can be transformative for your spiritual and healing practice. You’ll learn all about this with my Imbolc Digital Download Kit!

Buy Now


  1. Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!

A Card Spread for Insight at Imbolc
Article Name
A Card Spread for Insight at Imbolc
Imbolc is celebrated from sundown on February 1st until sundown on February 2nd each year here in the Northern hemisphere. This holiday celebrates the first inkling of Spring and welcomes in new growth and the return of warmth to the land.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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12 Responses

  1. I’m definitely going to try this spread. 2021 was a tough year for me and I know many others in my social circle and for some reason, January didn’t feel light at all (Mercury Retrograde?).

    It will be wonderful to get some insights into the direction one’s going, especially with some of my favorite gemstones and crystals in your article. Thanks Ashley.

    1. What a lovely card spread and so glad i found the link in one of your emails. i will be trying this out definitely. Great video too with lots of information. Thank you!

      1. Hi Meeta! Thank you, we are happy you found this informative and useful! Crystal blessings <3

    2. Hi Vatsala, I’m so sorry to hear 2021 was a tough year for you, and 2022 hasn’t been a great start either. We do hope you enjoyed the spread and that these insights bring a positive new direction for you. 🙂 Crystal blessings <3

  2. Thank you SO MUCH for this spread! I have been feeling very lost this year and unsure how to deal with everything that’s come in my life recently, especially since I feel like it’s directly blocking my ability to achieve the goals I’ve set for myself. I now feel much more peaceful and confident that the universe has my back, and I also feel more secure in the decisions I’ve made regarding the people, things, and thought patterns that I need to eliminate from my life. Sometimes we all need a reminder that the universe has our back and I definitely needed that right now! Thank you!

    1. Hi Andrea, these times certainly have been tough, and the first month of this year hasn’t been an exception. We’re so glad you found this spread helpful and feel more peaceful and confident. It’s the little things sometimes that show us we are stronger than our circumstances and have the ability to rise above. You got this! <3 Crystal blessings!

  3. Wow Ashley is really a blessing into my life to have met you. It’s been really good changed into my life’s Journey. I’m learning a lot about crystal grid’s and more of your teaching how I find my inner truth, You are the most amazing person happened to change my life, I admit I am noticing big things shifting from the years past since I have meet you. I finally began finding out the colors of flowers of light life of mine. I absolutely ? % there’s more for me to keep on learning and I won’t stop developing and continue growing in the future. Keep teaching I admire you so gratefully and I love everything you shared ?. Keep loving always! Love and Light. Lyn

    1. Hi Lyn, that’s amazing how transformative this time has been for you. Congratulations on stepping into your power and seeing the positive light that shines brightly on your future. Keep that momentum going! <3 Crystal blessings!

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