How to Run a Crystal
Healing Session, Step-by-Step

How to Run a Crystal Healing Session,

with Ashley Leavy

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Ashley: Hey there and welcome to video number three. This is how to do a crystal healing session, like a pro training series. I’m Ashley Leavy of the love and light school and in our last video, I showed you how to do a crystal healing layout, step by step. I really enjoyed reading all the comments that you’ve been posting. And I’m so happy and excited to hear that this training is helping to fill in some of those knowledge gaps about crystals. And that you’re starting to get more confident in your Crystal healing abilities. Now that you’ve seen a broken-down step by step. It is so helpful to see how it’s done and then take your own special approach by learning to listen to your intuition. And although you’re feeling there’s a big confidence boost, you may still be wondering what do you actually do while your clients and the crystal layout? Well, here are a few things that I recommend. So, this first question is something that a lot of crystal healers are actually a little embarrassed to ask, what do you actually do while your client is in a crystal layout. Well, here are a few of my favorite things. The first is to just be present and hold space. What does this really mean? It means being present and accountable for the energy in the space and making sure that your client has a positive experience. You can even lead your client through a guided meditation or visualization to help them with their transformative healing work. You can cleanse and sweep their Aura a few more times while they’re in the layout if anything is coming up for them or being released.

One of my favorite things to do is actually incorporate other modalities. So, this is a great time to add in some reiki or massage therapy, aromatherapy, or other forms of energy work. Finally, you can take this time for yourself as a ‘Healer’ and make a few notes about the session. Now, I want to know what are some of your burning questions about doing crystal healing sessions for others? I get asked a lot of questions about this topic and I’d like to share some of the most common and most important questions here with you now.

Let’s dig into some of these meaty questions that I get asked all the time. Probably one of the first that I get asked, is can you do two layouts at once? Meaning would it be okay to do something like the physical body healing layout that I showed you how to do in video number two, along with say, a chakra balancing layout. The answer to this is, yes you can butut do you want to? I think it’s important to have really focused targeted goals for your session and so you have to think about what’s going to be to the best benefit for your client. If they can only get in for one session, then maybe doing two layouts at once is okay. But I prefer to break things down into smaller pieces and have them come back for shorter sessions, more frequently.

The next question I get asked, is how long should a session last? Well, this kind of ties into our last question. I prefer sessions that are about 30 minutes in length. As I find that you can get a lot of work done in that amount of time, and it also keeps you from burning out on your work. Any longer than that and you might leave your client feeling a little bit blissed out. So, 30 minutes seems to be about the magic number.

Here’s another big question, should you talk, or should they talk during a session? Well, I think it’s so important to have that heart-to-heart with your client before you start the session. And if anything comes up during your sweeping or scanning, I think it’s great to bring that up and talk it through with your client. But once you get the crystals in place and your client is in a deep place of healing in the layout, it’s best to keep talking to a minimum so that they can fully be present in the experience. What happens if your client falls asleep? Believe it or not, this is actually very common. People get into such a deep state of relaxation when they’re in a crystal layout that it’s natural for the body to rest and rejuvenate, and if your client falls asleep, don’t worry. The crystals are still working.

Now, what if something embarrassing happens, either to you or to them? In my over a decade as a crystal healer, trust me, I’ve seen it all. People sometimes laugh uncontrollably and get ‘the giggles’ or even pass gas. And let me tell you, this is all-natural and totally normal, nothing really surprises me anymore. So, the best thing to do is just cover this when you’re explaining what to expect in a session and let them know that it’s okay if these things happen. And if it comes up during the session, just give them a gentle reminder that it’s totally normal, totally natural and that will help put them at ease. What if the crystals fall off of your client during the layout? This is something that happens all the time. Now if this happens when you’re placing the crystal, chances are you’ve done something to maybe knock it off balance. So, it’s okay to go ahead and pick that crystal up and replace it. But if you’re part way through a session or layout and a crystal rolls off, just trust that means that the crystal’s work is done there. And it no longer needs to be in that location.

Now, one of the big concerns that I get from crystal. healers are, what if my client doesn’t feel anything during the session. And for some people, they’ll be vocal and tell you what’s happening and what they’re experiencing. But for other people? They may not feel anything during the session at all and that’s okay. You have to remember that we’re all unique beings and we all experience crystal energy in a different way. A lot of times, clients might not be very vocal about what they’re experiencing during the time of the session. Or they might not even be aware of it until a few days later. So sometimes you never hear what a client’s experiencing, but don’t worry just trust that the crystals are doing their work.

Now, the most important question is what if someone has a healing crisis or healing challenge? Now, this is a strong emotional response to crystal healing, and it can result in clients crying or even sometimes shaking a little bit. The most important thing you can do is get your client grounded and centered. So, remove the crystals from their body immediately because there’s already been a big energetic shift and those stones are no longer needed. Then you may want to add a grounding crystal at the feet or even hold the client’s feet and work them through the process. Again, reminding them that emotional release is totally normal and nothing to be ashamed of.

Now, the last thing you need to know about giving a crystal healing session like a pro, it’s how to end a session on a positive note. Now after you’ve removed the stones from your client’s body and you’re ready to end the session. It’s important just to give them a moment to slowly sit up, you may even want to help them with this and step down from the table. Give them a second, help re-ground them, and then take time to talk things through with your client. It’s important to give people a chance to talk about their experiences and really process what’s happened. Then the most important thing that you can do to help solidify the healing that’s just taken place, is to discuss what you did with your stones and why? So, lay your crystals out on your healing table or massage table. Show your client where they will place and explain why you use that particular combination of crystals and placement. This really helps them understand and affirm that healing energy and their body.

That’s it. Now that you can give a crystal healing session like a pro, let’s look at what’s possible for you, now that you have this knowledge. My hope for you is that you take action on what you’ve learned here with me. Put yourself out there and start sharing your gifts as a healer. You have something so important to give, and I know that if you’re here watching this now, it’s because something inside of you knows that it’s time for you to start sharing your passion. Thank you so much for joining me. I’ve had a lot of fun and I hope to get to know you even better in the program.


Video 3

Completing the Layout & Ending Your Session

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How to Run a
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