Sacred Samhain Readings

Open to the messages of illumination at this time of the Sacred Fire Festival of Samhain!

Want personalized guidance called forth from the ream of guides and ancestors beyond the veil? Get a 6-card oracle reading AND a crystal recommendation just for you and fully harness the energies of the sacred Samhain portal!


This reading will cover 6 aspects of the Final Harvest and shift into the Celtic New Year with highly specific info to help you:

Your Sacred Samhain Portal Reading

Card 1: What you are harvesting now from the energy of this past year

Card 2: What you should sow and cultivate from now until the time when the light returns

Card 3: What you should release into the darkness and burn away in the bonfire of your soul

Your Sacred Samhain Portal Reading

Card 4: Tips for navigating the thin spaces and walking between worlds as a powerful spiritual seeker

Card 5: Future influences coming in at this time of the turning of the wheel for the Celtic New Year

Card 6: A special message from your ancestors and guides about what you most need to know right now

Want personalized guidance for your path? Get a 6-card Sacred Samhain Reading AND a crystal recommendation?

Ashley is a Certified Card Reader and she’ll use her unique combination of intuition and esoteric knowledge to share messages and guidance JUST for you!

After you book your reading, you’ll receive:

A recorded reading by email from Ashley within 10 business days; this video is downloadable and yours to keep forever!

An intuitive suggestion for a personal crystal you can incorporate into your journey based on the guidance from your reading.

Refund Policy/Disclaimer: Full refunds will be applied if you are not satisfied with your reading.  Cards readings are not meant to provide medical or legal advice. Intuitive information provided is metaphysical in nature and should only be used for personal or spiritual purposes.

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